Spr?kpolitikk (Fordjupingsemne i nordisk spr?kvitskap: sosiolingvistikk) V2020
Main book: Johnson, D.C., 2013. Language policy, Basingstoke: Palgrave MacMillan.
Johnson, D. (2013) Ch. 1 What is language policy? (p. 3 - 25: 23 sider)
Johnson, D. (2013) Ch 2 Theories, concepts and frameworks: An historical overview (p. 26 - 55: 30 sider)
Johnson, D. (2013) Ch 5 Research approaches and methods (p.121 - 169: 49 sider)
Johnson, D. (2013) Ch 7: Research direction(s) and model projects. 215–259. (44 s)
Vik?r, Lars. 1968. Vegen fram til ett norsk. Landslaget for spr?klig samling. Tilgjengeleg p? nett: (48 sider)
Vik?r, Lars. 2007. Spr?kplanlegging. Kapittel 6, s. 103–124.
Electronically available articles and book chapters
Bj?rhusdal, Eli. Kritiske vegval for det norske spr?kregimet. Nytt Norsk tidsskrift. 183–194 (11 sider)
Compton, Sarah E. (2013) Implementing Language Policy for Deaf Students in a Texas School District, International Multilingual Research Journal, 7:2, 138-154, DOI: 10.1080/19313152.2012.665203 (16 s)
Curdt-Christiansen, X.L. (2018) Family Language Policy. In J. W. Tollefson, M. Perez-Milans(eds) The Oxford Handbook of Language Policy and Planning. Oxford University Press.(22 sider)
De Korne, Haley, Mario E. López Gopar & Kiara Rios Rios (2018): Changing
ideological and implementational spaces for minoritised languages in higher education:
Zapotequización of language education in Mexico, Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural
Development, DOI: 10.1080/01434632.2018.1531876 (14 sider)
Del Percio, A. (2018) Turning Language and Communication into Productive Resources: Language Policy and Planning and Multinational Corporations. In J. W. Tollefson, M. Perez-Milans (eds) The Oxford Handbook of Language Policy and Planning (18 sider)
Gon?alves, K., & Schluter, A. (2017). “Please do not leave any notes for the cleaning lady, as many do not speak English fluently”: Policy, power, and language brokering in a multilingual workplace. Language Policy, 16(3), 241-265. (25 sider)
Haugen, Einar. 1969. Riksspr?k og folkem?l. Omsett av Dag Gundersen. 1–21. (21 s)
Hornberger, Nancy H. & De Korne, Haley (2018). Is Revitalization Through Education Possible?, In Leanne Hinton; Leena Huss & Gerald Roche (ed.), The Routledge Handbook of Language Revitalization. Routledge. ISBN 9781138674493. Chapter 9. s 94–103 (10 s)
Hult, F. 2014. How Does Policy Influence Language in Education? In Silver, R. & Lwin, S. (red.) Language in Education: Social Implications. 159-175 (16 s)
Hultgren, A. K. (2014). Whose parallellingualism? Overt and covert ideologies in Danish university language policies. Multilingua, 1–2(33). 61–87. (26 s)
H?yringsnotat, utkast til lov om spr?k (2019). 4–16, 88–95 (19 sider)
Johnson, D., & Ricento, T. (2013). Conceptual and theoretical perspectives in language planning and policy: Situating the ethnography of language policy. International Journal of the Sociology of Language, 219(219), 7-21.(16 sider)
Kraft, Kamilla. 2019. Language policies and linguistic competence: new speakers in the Norwegian construction industry. Language Policy,aop. DOI: 10.1007/s10993-018-9502-6 (19 sider)
Lane, Pia (2016). Standardising Kven: Participation and the role of users. Sociolinguistica : Internationales Jahrbuch fuer Europaeische Soziolinguistik. ISSN 0933-1883. 30(1), s 105-124 . doi: 10.1515/soci-2016-0007 (19 sider)
Ljosland, R. (2015) Policymaking as a multi-layered activity. A case study from the higher education sector in Norway: Higher Education. 70, 4, p. 611-627 (16 s)
McCarty, T. Revitalizing and Sustaining Endangered Languages. In James W. Tollefson and Miguel Pérez-Milans (eds.) The Oxford Handbook of Language Policy and Planning. (25 sider)
Pérez-Milans and Tollefson (2018) Language Policy and Planning: Directions for Future Research In J. W. Tollefson, M. Perez-Milans(eds) The Oxford Handbook of Language Policy and Planning. Oxford University Press. (16 s)
Purkarthofer, J., & Steien, G. (2019). “Prétendre comme si on conna?t pas une autre langue que le swahili”: Multilingual parents in Norway on change and continuity in their family language policies. International Journal of the Sociology of Language, 2019(255), 109-131. (23 sider)
R?yneland, Unn (2013): “The voice from below”: Norwegian language reforms in the 21st century. In Lohndal, Terje (ed.) In Search of Universal Grammar: From Old Norse to Zoque. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 53-76. (24 s)
R?yneland et al. (2018) Spr?k i Norge – kultur og infrastruktur. 12-21 (10 sider)
R?yneland et al. (2018). Spr?k i Norge – kultur og infrastruktur. 36-53 (7 sider)
R?yneland et al. (2018). Spr?k i Norge – kultur og infrastruktur. 46-53 (7 s)
R?yneland et al. (2018). Spr?k i Norge – kultur og infrastruktur. 54-65 (11 s)
Smith-Christmas, Cassie, Mari Bergroth & Irem Bezcio?lu-G?ktolga (2019): A Kind of Success Story: Family Language Policy in Three Different Sociopolitical Contexts, International Multilingual Research Journal, DOI: 10.1080/19313152.2019.1565634 (14 sider)
Sollid, Hilde. 2019. Spr?klig mangfold som spr?kpolitikk i klasserommet. M?lbryting 2019; Volum 10. ISSN 1500-8576.s 1-21.s doi: (21 s)
Spr?kr?det. Retningslinjer for normering av bokm?l og nynorsk. (20 s)
Thingnes, J. S. (2019). Making linguistic choices at a Sámi university: negotiating visions and demands.Current Issues in Language Planning, DOI: 10.1080/14664208.2019.1671712 (22 s)
Tollefson, J., & Pérez-Milans, M. (2018). Research and Practice in Language Policy and Planning. In In J. W. Tollefson, M. Perez-Milans(eds) The Oxford Handbook of Language Policy and Planning. Oxford University Press. (32 sider)
Universitets- og h?gskoler?det: Overordnede spr?kpolitiske retningslinjer (3 s)
Van Mensel, Luk (2018) ‘Quiere koffie?’ The multilingual familylect of transcultural families, International Journal of Multilingualism, 15:3, 233-248, DOI: 10.1080/14790718.2018.1477096 (16 sider)
F?resl?tt tilleggslitteratur
Albury N.J. (2016), Holding them at arm’s length: A critical review of Norway’s policy on Sámi language maintenance, Journal of Home Language Research 1: 1-16. (16 s)
Bj?rhusdal, Eli. N?ytralitet eller nynorsk? Spr?kpolitiske hovudprinsipp i norsk oppl?ring. I: Nye r?yster i nynorskforskinga. Det Norske Samlaget 2015 ISBN 9788252188455. s. 104–119 (15 s)
Costa, James., De Korne, Haley og Lane, Pia. (2017) Standardising Minority Languages Reinventing Peripheral Languages in the 21st Century. I: Pia Lane, Pia; James Costa og Haley Jean De Korne (red.). Standardizing minority languages: Competing ideologies of authority and authenticity in the global periphery. New York: Routledge. (23 s)
Hiratsuka, Akiko & Alastair Pennycook (2019): Translingual family repertoires: ‘no, Morci is itaiitai panzita, amor’, Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development, DOI: 10.1080/01434632.2019.1645145 (15 sider)
Hornberger, N. (2017). Portraits of three language activists in Indigenous language reclamation. In Wesley Y. Leonard & Haley De Korne (eds) Language Documentation and Description, vol 14. London: EL Publishing. pp. 160-175. (15 s)
Johnson, D. C. (2013). Kapittel 3: Example studies (3–3.5). 59–80. (21 s)
Johnson, D.C. (2010) Implementational and ideological spaces in bilingual education language policy, International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, 13:1, 61-79, DOI: 10.1080/13670050902780706 (18 s)
Johansen, ?se Mette; Bull, Tove. Spr?kpolitikk og (u)synleggjering i det semiotiske landskapet p? Universitetet i Troms?. Nordlys 2012; Volum 39 (2). ISSN 0332-7531.s 17 - 45.s doi: 10.7557/12.2472. (29 s)
Lasagabaster, D. (2015). Language policy and language choice at European Universities: Is there really a ‘choice’? International Journal of Applied Linguistics, 3(2), 255–276. (21 s)
Linn, Andrew R. (2010) Voices from above – voices from below. Who is talking and who is listening in Norwegian language politics?, Current Issues in Language Planning, 11:2, 114-129. (15 s)
Lomeu Gomes, Rafael. (2018). Family Language Policy ten years on: A critical approach to family multilingualism. Multilingual Margins 5 (2): 50–71.(22 sider)
L?nsmann, Dorte and Kamilla Kraft. (2018). Language policy and practice in multilingual production workplaces. Multilingua: Journal of Cross-Cultural and Interlanguage Communication, 37(4), 403-427. (25 sider)
Pennycook, A. (2004). Language Policy and Ehe Ecological Turn. Language Policy, 3(3), 213-239. (27 sider)
Ricento (2000) Historical and theoretical perspectives in language policy and planning. Journal of Sociolinguistics 4(2). 196–213. (18 sider)
Sallabank, Julia. 2012. Diversity and language policy for endangered languages. I: The Cambridge Handbook of Language Policy. (23 s)
Soler, Josep, Beyza Bj?rkman & Maria Kuteeva (2018) University language policies in Estonia and Sweden: exploring the interplay between English and national languages in higher education, Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development, 39:1, 29-43, DOI: 10.1080/01434632.2017.1307844 (14 s)
Vik?r, Lars. 2007. Spr?kplanlegging.151–195. (44 s)
Vik?r, Lars. 2007. Spr?kplanlegging. 13–43. (30 s)
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