Henrik Ibsen: Brand (1866)
Knut Hamsun: Sult (1890)
Cora Sandel: Alberte og Jacob (1926)
Hanne ?rstavik: Kj?rlighet (1997)
Dag Solstad: T. Singer (1999)
Karl Ove Knausg?rd: Min kamp 1 (2009)
Lone Aburas: Politisk roman (2013)
Kristian Lundberg: Vi ?r de d?da, nu snart (2014)
Patric Colm Hogan: Affective Narratology. The Emotional Structure of Stories, University of Nebrasca Press, Loncoln & London, 2011, s. 1-67.
Per Thomas Andersen: Fortelling og f?lelse. 亚博娱乐官网_亚博pt手机客户端登录 i affektiv narratologi, Universitetsforlaget, Oslo 2016, s. 9-92; 119-148, 171-192.
Kompendium (innholdsfortegnelse):
Fjodor M. Dostojevskij: Br?drene Karamasov (utdrag) (1880)
Patricia T. Clough: ”The Affective Turn: Political Economy, Biomedia, and Bodies” fra Melissa Gregg & Gregory J. Seigwirth (eds.) The Affect Theory Reader, Duke University Press, Durham & London, 2010, s. 206-220.
Sianne Ngai: Ugly Feelings, Harvard University Press, Cambridge & London, 2005, s. 1-14.
Keith Oatley: Emotions. A Brief History, Blackwell Publishing, Oxford 2004, s. 40-55.
Martha Nussbaum: ”Narrative Emotions. Beckett’s Genealogy of Love”, fra Loves Knowledge. Essays on Philosophy and Literature, Oxford University Press, Oxford & New York 1990, s. 286-297.
Elektronisk tilgjengelig pensum med lenker:
Brian Massumi: ”The Autonomy of Affect” [1995] fra Parables for the Virtual. Movements, Affect, Sensation, Duke University Press, Durham & London, 2002, s. 23-45. Se: http://cr.middlebury.edu/amlit_civ/allen/2012%20backup/scholarship/affect%20theory/massumi.pdf
Judith Butler: Frames of War [2009] (2010), s. ix-xxx: http://humanities.wisc.edu/assets/misc/Butler.pdf
Gunvor Hofmo: Lyrikk (utvalg) (1946 ff.) http://www.bokhylla.no