
PENSUM RETKOM 2104  V?R 2019


Kjeldsen, Jens E. (2004) Hva er retorikk? Universitetsforlaget, 140 sider. 
Lund M. & Roer H. (red.) (2014). Retorikkens aktualitet. Grundbog i retorisk analyse. 3. udgave. K?benhavn: Hans Reitzels forlag


Perelman, C. (2005). ”Valg, n?rv?r og pr?sentation,” i Retorikkens rige (s. 67- 75). K?benhavn: Hans Reitzels Forlag

Jasinski, James: “On Defining Rhetoric as an Object of Intellectual Inquiry” i Jasinski, James (2001) Sourcebook on Rhetoric: Key Concepts in Contemporary Rhetorical Studies, SAGE, xiii-xxxv (introduction) 

Booth, Wayne C. (2004) The Rhetoric of Rhetoric. The Quest for Effective Communication, Blackwell Publishing, part II, “The Need for Rhetorical Studies Today”, (85-148) 

Artikler ikke ?pent tilgjengelig p? nett:
Kock, Christian (2009) ?Choice is Not True or False: The Domain of Rhetorical Argumentation?, Argumentation 23(1): 61-80 (Tilgang Springer)

Zarefsky, David, (2008). Knowledge Claim in Rhetorical Criticism. Journal of Communication, 58, 629-640. (Tilgang Springer)

Gross, Alan (1999) “A theory of the rhetorical audience: Reflections on Chaim Perelman”, Quarterly Journal of Speech (85)2, 203-211 (Tilgang Taylor and Francis)

Charland, M. (1987). “Constitutive Rhetoric: The Case of the peuple of québécois”. Quarterly Journal of Speech, 73(2), 133-150.  (Tilgang Taylor and Francis)

Artikler tilgjengelig for en billig penge via Rhetorica Scandinavica: 
Bitzer, L.F. (1997) “Den retoriske situation”. Rhetorica Scandinavica 3, 6-17.
Vatz, R.E. (2000). “Myten om den retoriske situation”. Rhetorica Scandinavica 15, 7-13.

Kjeldsen, J. (2008). “Retoriske omst?ndigheder”. Rhetorica Scandinavica, 48, 42-63.

Black, Edwin (1999). “Den andre persona? Rhetorica Scandinavica 9, 4-16.

Artikler open access:
Vatn?y, Eirik (2016) “Leaders Response to Terrorism: The Role of Epideictic Rhetoric in Deliberative Democracies”, Journal of Public Deliberation, 1-22

Publisert 19. des. 2018 15:45 - Sist endret 19. des. 2018 15:48