

Sidnell, Jack 2011: Conversation Analysis. An Introduction. Wiley-Blackwell.


Bokkapitler og artikler tilgjengelig on-line

Ten Have, Paul 2007: Doing Conversation Analysis: A Practical Guide, kapitler 1–3 og 6–8 (s. 1–41,  93–169). Sage Publications.

Goffman, Ervin 1974: The neglected situation. – American Anthropologist Vol. 66, No. 6, Part 2, s.. 133-136.

Pomerantz, Anita 1980: Telling my side: “Limited access” as a “Fishing” device. – Sociological Inquiry 50 (3), s. 186–198.

Schegloff, Emanuel A. 1997: Third turn repair. – Gregory R. Guy, Crawford Feagin, Deborah Schiffrin & John Baugh (red.), Towards a Social Science of Language. Volume 2: Social interaction and discourse structures, s. 31–41.


Sacks, Harvey 1984: Notes on methodology. – J. Maxwell Atkinson & John Heritage (red.), Structures of Social Action. Studies in Conversation Analysis, s. 21–27. Cambridge University Press.

Schegloff, Emanuel A. 2006: Sequence Organization: A Primer in Conversation Analysis, kapitler 1–3 (s. 1–27). Cambridge University Press.

Steensig, Jakob 2001: Spr?k I virkeligheden. Bidrag til en interaktionel lingvistik, s. 72–102, 151–198. Aarhus universitetsforslag.  

Pomerantz, Anita 1984: Agreeing and disagreeing with assessments: some features of preferred/dispreferred turn shapes. – J. Maxwell Atkinson & John Heritage (red.), Structures of Social Action. Studies in Conversation Analysis, s. 57–101. Cambridge University Press.

Sacks, Harvey 1987: On the preferences for agreement and contiguity in sequences in conversation. Graham Button & John R. E. Lee (red.), Talk and Social Organisation, s. 54 – 69. Clevedon, Multilingual Matters. 54-69.

Sacks, Harvey: An analysis of the course of a joke’s telling in conversation. – Richard Bauman & Joel Sherzer (red.), Explorations in the Ethnography of Speaking, s. 337–353. Cambridge University Press.


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Publisert 21. mai 2019 14:59 - Sist endret 21. aug. 2019 15:38