
Helen Spencer-Oatey 2008. Culturally Speaking. Culture, Communication and Politeness Theory. London: Continuum. (ca. 150 s.)

Heller, Monica. (red.) 2007. Bilingualism: A social approach. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan (ca. 200 150 s.)


Appadurai, Arjun. 1990. Disjuncture and difference in the global cultural economy. I Mike Featherstone (red.): Global culture. Nationalism, globalization and modernity. London: Sage Publications, 295 – 310. (15 s.)

Auer, Peter. 2005. Europe’s sociolinguistic unity, or: A typology of European dialect/standard constellations. I Nicole Delbecque, Johan van der Auwera & Dirk Geeraerts (red.) Perspectives on Variation. Trends in Linguistics 163. Berlin/New York: Mouton de Gruyter, 7–42. (26 s.)

Bijvoet, Ellen & Kari Fraurud. 2008. Svenskan i dagens flerspr?kiga storstadsmilj?er: en explorativ pilotstudie av unge stockholmares perceptioner av variation och varieteter. Norand, nr 2, 7–38 (30 s.)

Brunstad, Endre, Unn R?yneland & Toril Opsahl (forthc). Hip-hop, ethnicity and linguistic practice in rural and urban Norway. I Marina Terkourafi (ed.) The Languages of Global Hip-hop. London: Continuum. (deles ut)

Gafaranga, Joseph. 2007. Code-switching as a conversational strategy. I P. Auer & Li Wei (red.), Handbook of Multilingualism and Multilingual Communication. Berlin: De Gruyter, 279–313. (33 s.)

J?rgensen, Jens Normann. 2005. Sociolingvistikken og native speaker i Skandinavien. I Petter Dyndahl & Lars Anders Kulbrandstad (red.) High Fidelity eller rein jalla? Vallset: Oplandske Bokforlag, 33–52. (15 s.)

Lanza, Elizabeth & Hirut Woldemariam. 2008. Language ideology and linguistic landscape: Language policy and globalization in a regional capital of Ethiopia. I Elana Shohamy & Durk Gorter (red.), Linguistic Landscape. Expanding the Scenery. New York & London: Routledge, 189–205. (17 s.)

M?hlum, Brit. 1996. Semi-migration in the Arctic — a theoretical perspective on the dialect strategies of children on Spitsbergen. I P. S. Ureland & I. Clarkson (red.) Language contact across the North Atlantic. Max Niemeyer verlag, Tübingen, 313–331. (18 s.)

M?ller, Janus Spindler & J. Normann J?rgensen. 2008. Poly-lingual Language in Peer Group Interaction. Norand. Nordisk tidsskrift for andrespr?ksforskning, nr 2, 39–56 (17 s.)

Opsahl, Toril & Ingvild Nistov. (Under publisering). On some structural aspects of Norwegian spoken among adolescents in multilingual settings in Oslo. I Pia Quist og Bente Ailin Svendsen (eds.): Multilingual Urban Scandinavia: New Linguistic Practices. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters (ca 20 s.)

R?yneland, Unn. 2009. Vertical convergence of linguistic varieties in a language space. I P. Auer & J. E. Schmidt (red.) Language and Space: Theories and Methods HSK. Berlin, New York: Walter de Gruyter, 259–274. (14 s.)

Svennevig, Jan. 2005. Repetisjon og reformulering som forst?elsesstrategi i andrespr?ks-samtaler. I Svein Lie, Gudlaug Nedrelid & Helge Omdal (red.) MONS 10. Utvalde artiklar fr? det tiande M?tet om norsk spr?k i Kristiansand 2003. Kristiansand: H?yskoleforlaget, 33–56. (24 s.)

Jan Svennevig 2009. Forst?else og sosiale relasjoner i h?ndtering av spr?kproblemer i andrespr?kssamtaler. Nordand 4(2), s. 35-64 (29 s.)

Aars?ther, Finn. 2003. Kodv?xling som resurs i samspel. Hur pakistansk-norske barn anv?nder flera spr?k f?r att organisera samtal. I J. Cromdal & A.-C. Evaldsson (red.) Et vardagsliv med flera spr?k. Stockholm: Liber, 105–129. (24 s.)

E-tidsskrift (kan lastes ned):

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Britain, David. 2009. One foot in the grave? Dialect death, dialect contact, and dialect birth in England. International Journal of the Sociology of Language 196/197/. Mouton de Gruyter, 121–155. (35 s.) Lenke til artikkel

Fogtmann, Christina. 2009. The co-construction of understanding in Danish naturalization interviews. International Journal of Bilingualism 13 (1). (ca. 25 s.)

Gafaranga, Joseph. 2010. Medium request: Talking language shift into being. Language in Society 39, 241–270. Lenke til artikkel

Lane, Pia. (Under publisering/2009). Mediating national language management: The discourse of citizenship categorization in Norwegian media. Language Policy 8(3): 209 - 225. (ca. 14 s.) Lenke til artikkel

Lanza, Elizabeth & Bente Ailin Svendsen. 2007. Tell me who your friends are and I might be able to tell you what language(s) you speak: Social network analysis, multilingualism, and identity. International Journal of Bilingualism, vol. 11 (3): 275–300 (25 s.) Lenke til artikkel

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L?nsmann, Dorte. 2009. From subculture to mainstream: The spread of English in Denmark. Journal of Pragmatics 41: 1139–1151. (13 s.) Lenke til artikkel

Quist, Pia. 2008. Sociolinguistic approaches to multiethnolect: Language variety and stylistic practice. International Journal of Bilingualism, Vvol. 12, 1 & 2, 43–83 (20 s.) Lenke til artikkel

Solheim, Randi. 2009. Dialect development in a melting pot. The formation of a new culture and a new dialect in the industrial town of H?yanger. Nordic Journal of Linguistics 32.2 (21 s.) Lenke til artikkel

Svendsen, Bente Ailin & Unn R?yneland. 2008. Multiethnolectal facts and functions in Oslo, Norway. International Journal of Bilingualism, Vol. 12, 1 & 2, 63–83 (20 s.) Lenke til artikkel

Publisert 8. apr. 2010 16:24 - Sist endret 21. sep. 2010 16:52