
John Stuart Mill: The Subjection of Women, Hackett.

Charles Dickens: Dombey and Son, Penguin.

George Elliot: The Mill on the Floss, Penguin.

Thomas Hardy: Jude the Obscure, Penguin.

Walter E. Houghton: The Victorian Frame of Mind, Yale. Kap. 2, 3, 4, 8, 10, 13.

The Norton Anthology of English Literature,


Thomas Carlyle, From Past and Present, the extracts in the anthology.

Alfred Tennyson,

  • 'The Lady of Shalott'
  • From In Memoriam A.H.H: 'Prologue' and 7, 21, 34-35, 54-56, 95, 118, 124, 130

Robert Browning, 'The Bishop Orders His Tomb ...'

Emily Bront?

  • 'I'm Happiest When Most Away'
  • 'Remembrance'
  • 'No Coward Soul Is Mine'

Matthew Arnold, from Culture and Anarchy

  • 'Sweetness and Light', the extracts in the anthology
  • 'Doing As One Likes', the extracts in the anthology

Gerard Manley Hopkins

  • 'God's Grandeur'
  • 'Pied Beauty'
  • 'No Worst, There Is None'

Christina Rossetti

  • 'An Apple-Gathering'
  • 'Up-Hill'
  • 'Goblin Market'
  • 'A Life's Parallels'

"The Victorian Age, 1830-1901: Introduction". ss. 1043-1063.

ENG2305 Kompendium, Unipub. John Ruskin, from Sesame and Lilies, 'Of Queen's Gardens'.

Published Dec. 20, 2005 2:29 PM