ENG2309 – American Literature and Civilization 1860-1917

Course content

The course gives a survey of American literature, culture, and history from the Civil War till World War I. In the study of the literature of the period particular emphasis will be placed on realism, naturalism, and local color, while the civilization syllabus places particular emphasis on immigration, race relations, and the development of the United States as a world power.

Learning outcome

Students will develop an understanding of central features of the development of American literature and history in the period. They will also develop their critical and analytical capabilities and their abilities to present their arguments in writing.


Students who are admitted to study programmes at UiO must each semester register which courses and exams they wish to sign up for in Studentweb.

If you are not already enrolled as a student at UiO, please see our information about admission requirements and procedures.


Formal prerequisite knowledge

The students must have taken at least 10 study points in literature/culture, preferably ENG1304 – American Literature / ENG1506 – American History and Society: An Introduction or equivalent. Admission to the course is required.

Recommended previous knowledge

The course assumes a good proficiency in written and oral English

Overlapping courses

This course overlaps with ENG4349 – American Literature and Civilization 1860-1917 (discontinued).


The course is taught throughout the semester with 3 hours per week. Half-way through the semester there is a period of one (autumn term) or two (spring term) reading weeks without teaching, to be used for individual study and work on assignments. The students are supposed to attend the course regularly


Students must turn in an essay (abt. 5 standard pages) in either literature or civilization. At the end of the course there will be a two-hour written in-class exam with questions from both literature and civilization. These two parts of the evaluation will count 3:2. Students must obtain passing grades in both parts to pass the course. Marks are given on a scale from A to E for pass and F for fail.

Facts about this course

Teaching language