ENG2576 – USA and the World: Contemporary American Foreign Policy
Course description
Course content
Since 1945 the United States has been a powerful shaping force in the world - both political and economic. It has been both a participant in the construction of an international society and arguably the world's most powerful nation- state-commanding substantial military and political resources on its own.
This course examines the recent history of American foreign policy and the debate among foreign policy experts in the USA over how to understand and shape the post-Cold War world. Is the ideal of a peaceful and cooperative international order envisioned in the founding of the UN in 1945 and the exercise of great power politics by the United States simply incompatible?
Learning outcome
To think critically about the role of the USA in world affairs. To develop the skill of critically assessing ideas in the light of events.
Students who are admitted to study programmes at UiO must each semester register which courses and exams they wish to sign up for in Studentweb.
If you are not already enrolled as a student at UiO, please see our information about admission requirements and procedures.
Formal prerequisite knowledge
Admission to the course is required.
Recommended previous knowledge
The course assumes a good proficiency in written and oral English
Overlapping courses
This course overlaps with ENG2574(cancelled course) and NORAM4574 – USA and the World: Contemporary American Foreign Policy (discontinued).
The course is taught throughout the semester with 2 hours per week, 28 hours in all. There is a mid-term break (one week in autumn term, two weeks in spring term) during which the students are expected to prepare obligatory assignments (see below) and otherwise study on their own. The students are supposed to attend the course regularly.
At the end of the course there will be a two-hour written in-class exam (50%). In addition, the students must write an essay (5 standard pages) (50%). Marks are given on a scale from A to E for pass and F for fail. To pass the course you must pass both written assignments.