
Articles from book: Thompson, Geoff & S. Hunston, (eds.) (2001), Evaluation in Text, Authorial Stance and the Construction of Discourse, Oxford, Oxford University Press.:

  • Hoey, Michael, (2001), Persuasive Rhetoric in Linguistics: 'A Stylistic Study of Some Features of the Language of Noam Chomsky', in G. Thompson and S. Hunston, 2001 (pp.28-37).
  • Hunston, Susan, (2001), 'Evaluation and the Planes of Discourse: Status and Value in Persuasive Texts', in G. Thompson and S. Hunston, (2001), (pp. 176-206).
  • Hunston, S. and John Sinclair, (2001), 'A Local Grammar of Evaluation' in G. Thompson and S. Hunston (2001), (pp. 74-100).
  • Martin, J.R., (2001), 'Beyond Exchange: APPRAISAL Systems in English' in G. Thompson and S. Hunston, (2001), (pp. 142-175).

Articles in compendium 'ENG4109 Appraisal Theory':

  • Biber, D. and E. Finegan, (1989), 'Styles of Stance in English: Lexical and Grammatical marking of Evidentiality and Affect' in Text 9-1. Special Issue: The Pragmatics of Affect, Berlin, Mouton de Gruyter (pp.93-124)
  • Chafe, W.L., (1986), 'Evidentiality in English Conversation and Academic Writing' in Evidentiality: The Linguistic Coding of Epistemology, W. Chafe & J. Nichols (eds.), Norwood, New Jersey, Ablex Publishing, (pp. 261-272)
  • Crismore, A. and R. Farnsworth, (1990), 'Metadiscourse in Popular and Professional Science Discourse', in The Writing Scholar, Walter Nash (ed.), London, Sage Publications, (pp. 119-135).
  • Hunston, Susan, (1993), 'Evaluation and Ideology in Scientific Writing' in Register Analysis: Theory and Practice, M. Ghadessy, (ed.), London, Pinter, (pp.57-73)
  • Lemke, J.L., (1992), 'Interpersonal meaning in discourse: value orientations' in Advances in Systemic Linguistics, Recent Theory and Practice, M. Davies, and L. Ravelli, (eds.), London, Pinter, (pp. 82-104).
  • Lyons, John, (1981) 'Modality, Subjectivity and Agency' in Language, Meaning and Context, London, Fontana, pp. 235-242).
  • Martin, J.R., (1995a) 'Interpersonal Meaning, Persuasion and Public Discourse: Packing Semiotic Punch' in Australian Journal of Linguistics 15, (pp. 33-67).
  • Martin, J.R., (1995b) 'Reading Positions/Positioning Readers: JUDGEMENT in English', in Journal of Australian, TESOL 10 (2), (pp. 27-37)
  • Rothery, Joan & M. Stenglin (2000), 'Interpreting Literature: The Role of APPRAISAL, in Researching Language in Schools and Communities, Functional Language Perspectives, Len Unsworth (ed.), Open Linguistics Series, Cassel; London, (pp 222-244)
  • Simpson, Paul, (1990), 'Modality in Literary-Critical Discourse', in The Writing Scholar, Walter Nash (ed.), London, Sage Publications, (pp. 63-94).
  • Simpson, Paul, (1993) 'Point of View in Narrative Fiction: a Modal Grammar', in P. Simpson, Language, Ideology and Point of View, London, Routledge, (pp.46-85)
  • Smith, Carlota S., (2002), 'Perspective and point of view: Accounting for Subjectivity', in Information Structure in a Cross-Linguistic Perspective, H. Hasselg?rd et al. (eds.), Amsterdam, Rodopi, (pp. 63-79).
  • Tadros, Angele, (1993), 'The Pragmatics of Text Averral and Attribution in Academic Texts' in Data, Description, Discourse, Papers on the English Language in Honour of John McH Sinclair. Michael Hoey, (ed.), London, Harper/Collins. 1993 (pp. 98-114).
  • Thompsen, Geoff, and P. Thetela, (1995), 'The Sound of One Hand Clapping' in Text 15 (1) Teun a. van Dijk, (ed.), Mouton de Gruyter
  • Thompson, Geoff, (1996), 'Voices in the Text: Discourse Perspective on Language Reports', Applied Linguistics 17/1, 1996, (pp. 501- 530).

Additional article (will be distributed i class):

  • White, P., (2002). Appraisal Theory -Homepage on the Web 'An Introductory Tour through Appraisal Theory' (pp. 1-35).

Background Reading:

  • Halliday, M.A.K, (1994), Functional Grammar, 2.Ed. London, Edward Arnold, 1994, Chapter 4 (pp.68-106)
  • Thompson, Geoff, (1996), Introducing Functional Grammar, London, Arnold, Chapter 4 (pp.38-74)

Published May 2, 2005 4:54 PM - Last modified May 2, 2005 5:18 PM