The final deadline for turning …

The final deadline for turning in terms papers is on Friday, May 13th. This deadline is obligatory and final. If you cannot hand in your essay by this deadline (1600 hrs.), you must have a doctor’s certificate (sykeattest/sykemelding) to get an extension. You may put the term paper in my mail box on the 7th floor or email it as an attachment to by 1600 hrs. on Friday, May 13th. Students who submit electronically will get confirmation of receipt of their term paper. However you submit your term paper, you must also submit a completed form entitled “Obligatorisk erkl?ring vedr. fusk,” which you can find online at here if you do not already have a copy.

Publisert 2. mai 2005 02:00 - Sist endret 2. mai 2005 16:58