Articles in compendium 'LIT4000 Litteraturvitenskapelig forskningspraksis':
- Booth, Wayne C., Gregory G. Colomb og Joseph Williams: "Making Good Arguments: An Overview" i: The Craft of Research, 1995. Chicago og London, Chicago, U. P. S. 88-93.
- Culler, Jonathan: "What is Theory?" i : Literary Theory: A Very Short Introduction, 1997. Oxford, Oxford U. P. S. 1-17.
- Harris, Robert: Evaluating Internet Research Sources, Versjon datert 17.11.1997,
- Owens, W. R.: "The Dissertation" i Simon Eliot og W. R. Owens: A Handbook to Literary Research, 1998. London, Routledge. S. 173-184.
- Darnton, Robert: "What Is the History of Books?" i Kenneth E. Carpenter (red.): Books and Society in History: Papers of the Association of College and Research Libraries Rare Books and Manuscripts Preconference, 1983. New York, R. R. Bowker Company. S. 3-26.
- Greetham, D. C.: "Ch. 8: Criticizing the Text: Textual Criticism" i: Textual Scholarship: An Introduction, 1994. New York, Garland Publishing. S. 295-346.
- McKenzie, D. F.: "Ch. 1: The Book as an Expressive Form" i: Bibliography and the Sociology of Texts, 1986. London, The British Library. s. 1-21.
- Kalleberg, Ragnvald: "H?ndtering og forebygging av vitenskapelig uredelighet" i Knut Ruyter (red.): 亚博娱乐官网_亚博pt手机客户端登录setikk: beskyttelse av enkeltpersoner og samfunn, 2003. Oslo, Gyldendal. S. 185-211.
Published Mar. 6, 2005 12:28 PM