
Published Dec. 17, 2022 12:23 PM

Dear All,

Welcome to EUS4010!

The first session is on January 19th.

It is necessary to prepare for each session. Please start reading the material for the first two sessions as soon as possible. Soon you will find some material (but not everything) in Canvas. Very important: for the second session, you must have read Sa?a Stani?i?’s novel Herkunft. It has been translated into Norwegian and English (Der du kommer fra,Where You Come From), and it can be found in libraries and Norwegian bookstores. You will not find it in Canvas; please make sure that you borrow or purchase it and read it on time.


Published Nov. 7, 2022 6:10 PM

In spring 2023, the course will focus on the representation of migration in media texts, literature, graphic novels, and film.