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* Drescher, Seymour 1988. Brazilian abolition in comparative Perspective. I The Hispanic American Historical Review. 68(3): 429-460.

* Ellner, Steve 2010. Hugo Chávez's First Decade in Office. Breakthroughs and Shortcomings. In Latin American Perspectives 37(1): 77-96.

Fuglestad, Finn 2004. Spanias og Portugals historie: En oversikt.  Oslo: Cappelen Akademisk forlag.

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* Knight, Alan 2010. The Myth of the Mexican Revolution. In Past and Present, 209: 223-273.

* Navarro, Marysa. 1980. Evita and the Crisis of 17 October 1945: A case study of peronist and anti-peronist mythology. I Journal of Latin American Studies 12(1): 127-138.

Skidmore, Thomas E., Smith, Peter H og Green, James N.: Modern Latin America 2010 (7. utg). New York og Oxford: Oxford University Press. s. 14-121, 191-277 og 306-402.

Ward, John 2004 (2. utg). Latin America: Development and Conflict since 1945. London: Routledge. s. 20-77.

**Wiarda, Howard: Politics in Iberia 1993. The Political Systems of Spain and Portugal. New York: Harper Collins. s. 43- 89


925 sider til sammen.


Anbefalt litteratur:

**Alexandre, Valentim 1998. "The Colonial Empire," in Costa Pinto, António (red.): Modern Portugal, Palo Alto: Society for the Promotion of Science and Scholarship. s. 41-59.

Birmingham, David 2005 (2. utg). A Concise History of Portugal . Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. s. 161-203.

Hooper, John 2006 (2. utg.) The New Spaniards . Harmondsworth: Penguin. s. 91-133, 163-272.

**Steensgaard, Niels 2001 (rev. utg.) "Det portugisiske imperiet” i Steensgaard: Verdensmarked og kulturm?ter [Aschehougs verdenshistorie bind 9]. Oslo. s.56 –71.



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Publisert 1. nov. 2013 12:47 - Sist endret 7. jan. 2014 15:15