
De fleste av disse tekstene er artikler som gj?res tilgjengelige gjennom tidsskrifter UiO abonnerer p?. Nederst p? siden spesifiserer vi de b?kene du kan kj?pe p? Akademika.


  • Allison, Michael E. (2006) The Transition from Armed Opposition to Electoral Opposition in Central America. Latin American Politics and Society 48 (4):137-162.
  • Allison, Michael E., and Alberto Martín Alvarez (2012) Unity and Disunity in the FMLN. Latin American Politics and Society 54 (4):89-118.
  • Cameron, Maxwell A. (2009) Latin America's Left Turns: beyond good and bad. Third World Quarterly 30 (2):331-348.
  • Casta?eda, Jorge G. (2006) Latin America's left turn. Foreign Affairs 85 (3):28-43.
  • Ellner, Steve (2012) The Distinguishing Features of Latin America’s New Left in Power: The Chávez, Morales, and Correa Governments. Latin American Perspectives 39 (1):96-114.
  • Garcé, Adolfo, and Jaime Yaffé (2006) La Izquierda Uruguaya (1971-2004): Ideología, Estrategia y Programa. América Latina Hoy 44:87-114.
  • Guevara, Ernesto "Che" (2007) Guerrilla Warfare: BN Publishing. (utdrag)
  • Heywood, Andrew (2003) Political Ideologies: An Introduction. Houndsmill and New York: Palgrave. s. 105-154
  • Kennemore, Amy, and Gregory Weeks (2011) Twenty-First Century Socialism? The Elusive Search for a Post-Neoliberal Development Model in Bolivia and Ecuador. Bulletin of Latin American Research 30 (3):267-281.
  • Knight, Alan (2001) Democratic and Revolutionary Traditions in Latin America. Bulletin of Latin American Research 20 (2):147-186.
  • Levitsky, Steven, and Kenneth M. Roberts, eds (2011) The Resurgence of the Latin American Left. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press. : 1-51, 94-138, 162-183, 213-282, 306-374, 399-427. (til sammen 290 sider)
  • Martí i Puig, Salvador (2010) The Adaptation of the FSLN: Daniel Ortega's Leadership and Democracy in Nicaragua. Latin American Politics and Society 52 (4):79-106.
  • Mudde, Cas (2004) The Populist Zeitgeist. Government and Opposition 39 (4):542-563.
  • Ottman, Goetz (2005) What is the PT? Brazil's Workers Party (PT) between formal representative and participatory democracy. Journal of Iberian and Latin American Research 11 (2):93-102.
  • Petras, Jaime (2008) Latin America's Changing Mosaic: Movements in Flux and Center-Left Governments in Power. Revista Theomai/Theomai Journal 17:153-190.
  • Pollack, Benny (1978) The Chilean Socialist Party: Prolegomena to Its Ideology and Organization. Journal of Latin American Studies 10 (1):117-152.
  • Przeworski, Adam (1980) Social Democracy as a historical phenomenon. New Left Review (22):27-58.
  • Weyland, Kurt (2001) Clarifying a Contested Concept: Populism in the Study of Latin American Politics. Comparative Politics 34 (1):1-22.
  • Wickham-Crowley, Timothy P. (1990) Terror and Guerrilla Warfare in Latin America, 1956-1970. Society for Comparative Studies in Society and History 32 (2):201-237.
  • ——— (1994) Elites, Elite Settlements, and Revolutionary Movements in Latin America, 1950-1980. Social Science History 18 (4):543-574.
  • Wright, Thomas C. (2001) Latin America in the Era of the Cuban Revolution. Westport and London: Praeger. s.1-185.


Andre tekster for diskusjon:

Konstitusjonene i Bolivia, Ecuador og Venezuela. (utdrag).
Tilgjengelige ved Political Database of the Americas (University of Georgetown).

Bosch, Juan (1991 (1969)) Dictadura con Respaldo Popular. Mexico, D.F.: Editores Alfa y Omega. (utdrag)

Fidel Castro: The second declaration of Havana

Debray, Régis (1968 (1967)) Revolution in the Revolution? London: Pelican books. (utdrag)

William J. Fulbrights tale til Senatet etter invasjonen av Den dominikanske republikk 1965 (lenke vil bli oppgitt)


Til sammen ca. 930 sider.


B?ker du kan kj?pe p? Akademika:

Guevara, Ernesto "Che" (2007) Guerrilla Warfare: BN Publishing.

Levitsky, Steven, and Kenneth M. Roberts, eds (2011) The Resurgence of the Latin American Left. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press.

Wright, Thomas C. (2001) Latin America in the Era of the Cuban Revolution. Westport and London: Praeger.


Anbefalt litteratur:

Beasley-Murray, Jon, Maxwell A. Cameron, and Eric Hershberg (2009) Latin America's Left Turns: an introduction. Third World Quarterly 30 (2):319-330.

Cavarozzi, Marcelo (1993) The Left in South America: Politics as the only option. In Social Democracy in Latin America: Prospects for Change, edited by M. Vellinga. Boulder, San Francisco and Oxford: Westview Press, 146-162.

Hunter, Wendy (2007) The Normalization of an Anomaly: The Worker's Party in Brazil. World Politics 59 (3):440-475.

Luna, Juan Pablo (2007) Frente Amplio and the Crafting of a Social Democratic Alternative in Uruguay. Latin American Politics and Society 49 (4):1-30.

Weyland, Kurt (2010) The Performance of Leftist Governments in Latin America: Conceptual and Theoretical Issues. In Leftist Governments in Latin America. Successes and Shortcomings, edited by K. Weyland, R. L. Madrid and W. Hunter. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1-27.



Publisert 20. mai 2013 17:28 - Sist endret 6. feb. 2020 10:26