LIT4300A – Study of Literary Theory I

Course content

The course is a specialization study in literary theory where you study one or more theoretical traditions or issues. The topics vary from semester to semester.?

The syllabus consists of 500-700 pages of theory. In addition, there will be a selection of literary texts equivalent in scope to one literary work.?

The course has a 20 ECTS version with the course code LIT4300B. The 20 ECTS version has a more extensive syllabus and a longer term paper.?

Autumn 2024, the course is offered in English, and the semester topic is:

The Magic of Literature:?What We Can Learn from Cognitive Science and Empirical Approaches.

In this course, we will approach the sometimes mysterious workings of literature by bringing together narrative theory with philosophy of mind, psychology, and neuroscience. You will be introduced to the vibrant field of cognitive literary studies and gain an understanding of how synergies between theories, concepts, approaches, and methodologies from cognitive science and literary studies can advance our understanding of literary texts, and of the acts of reading and writing. You will explore how literature engages and shapes our thoughts and feelings, both individually and collectively. You will critically reflect on the gains and limitations of different approaches and methodologies, and think also about how empirical studies can advance literary research. On completing the course, you will have acquired a good understanding of the field of cognitive literary studies, tools for conducting theoretical as well as empirical work in this field, and the ability to bring new interpretative lenses to the analysis of works of literature as well as other kinds of texts.

Learning outcome

After completing this course you will have:

  • insight into central theoretical perspectives and terms;
  • developed skills to discuss both theoretical issue in and of themselves and their implications for practical literary analysis.?

Admission to the course

Students who are admitted to study programmes at UiO must each semester?register which courses and exams they wish to sign up for?in Studentweb.

If you are not already enrolled as a student at UiO, please see our information about?admission requirements and procedures.

The course is for students in the programme Allmenn Litteraturvitenskap. Single-subject students cannot take this course.

Overlapping courses


Seminar teaching: 2 hour per week for 7 weeks and a full day seminar (6 hours) in the last half of the semester. In addition you will have reading and writing weeks throughout the semester. The seminar teaching assumes that students actively participates.?

The teaching is taught jointly with LIT4300B.

Obligatory activity:

The allowed absence limit will cover all absences, including illness. You will not be granted valid absences with documentation, even when the absence is due to something beyond your control.

If the course has in-person teaching, and you are signed up for an in-person seminar group, you are to attend the teaching in the location found in the schedule.

If the course has digital teaching, and you are signed up for a digital seminar group, you must attend via Zoom with your camera on.

In certain circumstances, i.e. serious or chronic illness, you could apply for?special needs accommodations

Fulfilled course requirements are only valid for the current semester.


The obligatory activities have to be approved in order for you to sit the exam.

The form of assessment is a term paper. The topic of you term paper is determined by you in cooperation with the course teacher. The paper must be 9 pages (a standard page is 2300 characters excluding spaces.) If your paper deviates from the page count by more than 10 percent, this may affect your grade. The paper must have proper citation and a bibliography.?

A term paper or equivalent that is passed may not be resubmitted in revised form.

Language of examination

The term paper is to be written in English.

Grading scale

Grades are awarded on a scale from A to F, where A is the best grade and F?is a fail. Read more about?the grading system.

More about examinations at UiO

You will find further guides and resources at the web page on examinations at UiO.

Last updated from FS (Common Student System) Mar. 10, 2025 8:43:53 AM

Facts about this course


Alternates with LIT4310A, which is offered every spring.

Teaching language