
Kompendium RUS 4001 Metodekurs Russland-studiet,

Vil bli ? f? kj?pt p? Gnist Akademika.

Kompendiet inneholder:

1. Introduction in : Russia Under Western Eyes Malia, Martin The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press : Cambridge Mass./London 1999 ss. 1-14 i alt : 14) ISBN 0-674-78120

2. Chapter 2; Notes and sources in : The Soviet Tragedy – A History of Socialism in Russia 1917 - 1991 Malia, Martin The Free Press: New York 1994 ss. 51-78: 529-531 (i alt: 30) ISBN 0-02-919795-3

3. Chapter 4 ; References In : Property and Freedom Pipes, Richard The Harvill Press : London 1999 ss. 159 – 208 ; 307-311 (i alt : 53s.) ISBN 1-86046-679-6

4. Rossiia i dukh kapitalizma, In: Sovetskoe nastoiashchee i russkoe proshloe Bezanson, Alen (Alain Besan?on) : Izdatel’stvo ? MIK ? : Moskva 1998 ss. 29-49 (i alt 20 sider) ISBN 5-87902-009-6

5. Society, Past and Present, in Interpreting Russia in : Beyond Soviet Studies Lewin, Moshe Orlovsky, Daniel (ed.) Woodrow Wilson Center Press : Baltimore 1995 ss. 56-71 (i alt: 15 s.) ISBN 0-943875-69-2

6. What Was Socialism, and Why Did It Fall ? in : Beyond Soviet Studies Verdery, Katherine Orlovsky, Daniel (ed.) Woodrow Wilson Center Press : Baltimore 1995 ss. 27-46 (i alt: 19 s.) ISBN 0-943875-69-2 x

7. The Friends and Foes of Change : Reformism and Conservatism in the Soviet Union in: The Soviet System : From Crisis to Collapse Cohen, Stephen F. Dallin, Alexander and Gail W. Lapidus (eds) Westview Press : Boulder 1995 ss. 57 – 74 (i alt : 17 s.) ISBN 0-8133-1876-9

8. Kapittel 5 in : Nomenklatura Voslensky, Michael Atheneum : Oslo ss. 180-251 (i alt 71 s.) ISBN 82-7334-135-6

9. * Kap 1 og 7 finnes alt i kompendium. I tillegg tas ss. 269-272; 284-290 (noter) med Kap. 1 & 7; noter in : Hj?rnrid?n. Det europeiska prosjektet och det g?tfulla Ryssland Gerner, Kristian, Stefan Hedlund & Niclas Sundstr?m Fischer & Co. ss. 23-38; 195-230; 269-272; 284-290 I alt 57 s. ISBN 9170547440

10. Soviet Society and American Sovietologists : a Study in Failure ? in: Rethinking the Sovet Collapse : Sovietology, the Death of Communism and the New Russia Shlapentokh, Vladimir Cox, Michael (ed.) Pinter : London 1998 ss. 95-114 ( ialt 19 sider) ISBN 1-85567-322-3

11. *Finnes i kompendium fra f?r Minervas uggla och Sovjetunionens fall Sociologisk forskning, nr 4, 1994 M?nsson, Per ss. 3-31 (i alt: 29) ISSN 0038-0342

12. From Sovietology to Comparative Political Economy in : Beyond Soviet Studies Burawoy, Michael Orlovsky, Daniel (ed.) Woodrow Wilson Center Press : Baltimore 1995 ss. 72-104 (i alt: 32 s.) ISBN 0-943875-69-2

13. Beyond Soviet Studies : The New Institutionalist Alternative in : Beyond Soviet Studies Bruckner, Scott A. Orlovsky, Daniel (ed.) Woodrow Wilson Center Press : Baltimore 1995 ss. 198- 221 (i alt: 23 s.) ISBN 0-943875-69-2

14. Pochemu raspalsia Sovetskii Soiuz? Otechestvennaia istoriia, no. 4 & 5, 2003 Medvedev, Roi A. ss. 112 – 121; 119 – 129 ( I alt: 21 s.) ISSN 0869-5687

15. Chapter 3; Bibliography in: Building Capitalism ?slund, Anders Cambridge University Press: New York 2002 ss. 70-112 ;457-489 (i alt: 74 s.) ISBN 0-521-80139-7

16. Whither Reform ? Ten Years of the Transition Keynote Adress to the Annual Bank Conference on Development Economics Stiglitz, Joseph E. World Bank 1999 ss. 1-34 (i alt 34 s.)

17. Hobbes and Locke at Odds in Putin’s Russia Europe-Asia Studies, Vol. 55, No. 7 Shlapentokh, Vladimir 2003 ss. 981 – 1007 (i alt : 26 s.) ISSN 0960-8136

18. Rynok kak ideal’naia model’ i forma khoziaistva – k novoi sotsiologii rynkov Sotsiologicheskoe issledovania (Sotsis), Nr 9, 2003 Radaev, Vadim V. ss. 18 – 29 (i alt: 11 s.) ISSN 0132-1625

Publisert 24. apr. 2006 21:14 - Sist endret 13. juni 2006 13:18