
Pensumtekster p? russisk:

Bezanson, Alen (Alain Besan?on) : "Rossiia i dukh kapitalizma", i: Sovetskoe nastoiashchee i russkoe proshloe: Izdatel’stvo "MIK" , Moskva 1998 ss. 29-49 (20 s.)

Gel’man, Vladimir, “Politicheskaya oppozitsiya v Rossii: vymirayushchii vid?”, i: Tretii elektoral’nyj tsikl v Rossii 2003-2004 gody, Evropeiskii universitet v Sankt Peterburge, 2007, ss. 59-90 (31 s.)

Medvedev, Roi A., "Pochemu raspalsia Sovetskii Soiuz?", Otechestvennaia istoriia, no. 4 & 5, 2003 ss. 112 – 121; 119 – 129 (19 s.)

Totalt: 70 s.


Hedlund, Stefan, “Vladimir the Great, Grand Prince of Muscovy: Resurrecting the Russian Service State”, Europe-Asia Studies, vol. 58, no. 5, ss. 775 – 801, 26 s.

Malia, Martin, "Introduction" i: Russia Under Western Eyes, The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press: Cambridge Mass./ London 1999 ss. 1-14, 14 s.

Malia, Martin, “And Why in Russia First?”, kapittel 2 i: The Soviet Tragedy–A History of Socialism in Russia 1917-1991 , The Free Press: New York 1994, ss. 51-78, 27 s.

Pipes, Richard, “Patrimonial Russia” i Property and Freedom, Vintage books 2000, ss. 159 -208, 49 s.

Shanin, Teodor , Kapittel 5 “Russia’s Morphology of Backwardness”, i Russia as a Developing Society , Macmillan Press: Hong Kong 1985, ss. 174 – 222, 48 s.

Totalt: 185 s.


Sakwa, Richard, "Post-communist Studies: once again through the looking glass (darkly)?", Review of International Studies, 1999, ss. 709–719, 10 s.

Schleifer, Andrei og Daniel Treisman, “A Normal Country: Russia after Communism”, Journal of Economic Perspectives, vol. 19, no. 1, ss. 151 – 174, 23 s.

Shlapentokh, Vladimir, "Soviet Society and American Sovietologists: a Study in Failure?" i Cox, Michael (ed.) : Rethinking the Sovet Collapse : Sovietology, the Death of Communism and the New Russia , Pinter: London 1998 ss. 95-114, 19 s.

Urban, Michael and M. Steven Fish, "Does Post-Sovietology have a Future?", i Cox (ed.) 1998, ss. 164–180, 16 s.

Totalt: 68 s.

Fra Sovjetunionen til det nye Russland:

Cohen, Stephen, "The Friends and Foes of Change: Reformism and Conservatism in the Soviet Union", i: Aleksander Dallin and Gail W. Lapidus (eds), The Soviet System: From Crisis to Collapse, Westview Press: Boulder 1995, ss. 57 – 74, 17 s.

Gerner, Kristian, Stefan Hedlund & Niclas Sundstr?m : Kap. 1 & 7 med noter, i: Hj?rnrid?n. Det europeiska prosjektet och det g?tfulla Ryssland , Fischer & Co. ss. 23-38, 195-230, 269-272, 284-290, 59 s.

Stiglitz, Joseph E. : Whither Reform? Ten Years of the Transition Keynote Address to the Annual Bank Conference on Development Economics , World Bank 1999 ss. 1-34, 34 s.

?slund, Anders : “Strategic Policy Choices”,  kapittel 3 i: Building Capitalism , Cambridge University Press: New York 2002, ss. 70-112, 42 s.

Totalt: 152 s.


Bunce, Valerie, "Should Transitologists Be Grounded?”, Slavic Review, 54 (1): 111-127, Spr. 1995, 16 s.

Bunce, Valerie, “Rethinking Recent Democratization: Lessons from the Postcommunist Experience”, World Politics 55 (January 2003), 167-92, 25 s.

Collier & Levitsky, "Democracy with Adjectives – Conceptual Innovation in Comparative Perspective", in World Politics (April 1997), 430-451, 21 s.

Levitski, Steven and Lucan A. Way, “The Rise of Competitive Authoritarianism”, Journal of Democracy, vol. 13, no. 2, 2002. pp. 51–65, 14 s.

McFaul, Michael, “Transitions from Postcommunism”, Journal of Democracy, Vol. 16, No.3 (July 2005), ss. 5-19, 14 s.

Schedler, Andreas, "The Menu of Manipulation", Journal of Democracy, vol. 13, no. 2, 2002. pp. 36–50, 14 s.

Schmitter Pc, Karl T., "The Conceptual Travels Of Transitologists And Consolidologists - How Far To The East Should They Attempt To Go", Slavic Review 53 (1): 173-185 Spr. 1994, 12 s.

Totalt: 116 s.

Stat og samfunn:

Konnonenko, Vadim, Introduction, i Russia as a Network State, Palgrave MacMillan, 2011, ss. 1- 18, 18 s.

Kryshtanovskaya, Olga, og Stephen White, “The Formation of Russia’s Network Directorate”, i Russia as a Network State, Palgrave MacMillan, 2011, ss. 19 – 38, 19 s.

Ledeneva, Alena, Kap. 3 og 4 i How Russia Really Works, Cornell University Press: Ithaca and London 2006: ss. 57-114, 57 s.

Lewin, Moshe og Orlovsky, Daniel (ed.), "Society, Past and Present, in Interpreting Russia" i: Beyond Soviet Studies , Woodrow Wilson Center Press: Baltimore 1995 ss. 56-71, 15 s.

Petrov, Nikolai, “Who is Running Russia’s Regions?”, Russia as a Network State, Palgrave MacMillan, 2011, ss. 81 – 112, 31 s.

Sakwa, Richard, “The Dual State in Russia”, Post-Soviet Affairs, vol. 26, no. 3, 2010, ss. 185 – 206, 21 s.

Shlapentokh, Vladimir, "Hobbes and Locke at Odds in Putin’s Russia" , Europe-Asia Studies, Vol. 55, No. 7, 2003 ss. 981 – 1007. (i alt: 26 s.) ISSN 0960.

Totalt: 187 s.


Tsygankov, Andrei P., “Assessing Cultural and Regime-Based Explanations of Russia’s Foreign Policy. ‘Authoritarian by Heart and Expansionist by Habit?”, Europe-Asia Studies, vol. 64, no. 4, ss. 695 – 713, 18s.

Tsygankov, Andrei P, “Foreign Policy”, in Stephen K. Wegren (ed), Return to Putin’s Russia: Past Imperfect, Future Uncertain, Rowman and Littlefield Publishers, 2013, ss. 235 – 255, 20 s.

Totalt: 38 s.

Kvalitativ metode:

Riviera, Sharon W., Polyna Kozyreva, and Eduard Sarovskii, “Interviewing Political Elites: Lessons from Russia”, PS: Political Science and Politics, Vol. 35, No. 4 (Dec., 2002), 683-688, 5 s.

Roberts, Sean Paul, “Research in Challenging Environments: the Case of Russia’s Managed Democracy, Qualitative Research published online 24 July 2012, ss. 1 – 15, 15 s.

Totalt: 20 s.

Publisert 13. mai 2014 14:17