* Pensumbidraget gj?res tilgjengelig for studentene ved semesterstart av fagl?rer.
Pensum for alle:
Armour, Ian D (2013) A History of Eastern Europe. New York: Hodder Arnold. Kap. 2-16. 220 sider.
Crampton, R. J. (2002) Eastern Europe in the Twentieth Century. London and New York: Routledge. Kap. 2-5, 7-10, 12-22 (ikke sidene om ?st-Tyskland og Baltikum). 330 sider
* Bideleux, Robert and Ian Jeffries (1998) A History of Eastern Europe. Crisis and Change. London and New York: Routledge. Side 114-161. 47 sider
* Bideleux, Robert and Ian Jeffries (2007) A History of Eastern Europe. Crisis and Change. London and New York: Routledge. Side 25-110. 85 sider
* Mahoney, William (2011) The History of the Czech Republic and Slovakia. Santa Barbara: Greenwood. Kap. 2-4. 70 sider
* Molnár, Miklós (2001) A Concise History of Hungary. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Kap. 1 (fra side 14) - 3. 100 sider
Pensum for studenter som velger fordypning Balkan:
Glenny, Micha (2012) The Balkans. 1804-2012: Nationalism, War and the Great Powers. London: Granta Books. Utdrag (ca. 220 sider)
Pensum for studenter som velger fordypning Polen og Baltikum
* Ash, Timothy Garton (2002) The Polish Revolution: Solidarity. Yale Univeristy Press. Introduction: Why Poland? Why workers? Why 1980? Postscript (til side 371). 52 sider
Kasekamp, Andres (2012) The History of the Baltic States. New York: Palgrave Macmillan. Kapittel 4-7. 90 sider.
Porter-Szücs, Brian (2014) Poland in the Modern World. Chichester: Wiley Blackwell. Kapittel 1-7. 180 sider
Pensum for studenter som velger fordypning Habsburgerriket/Tsjekkia, Slovakia, Ungarn
Mahoney, William (2011) The History of the Czech Republic and Slovakia. Santa Barbara: Greenwood. Kap. 6-8. 90 sider
* Curtis, Benjamin (20) The Habsburgs: The History of a Dynasty. London, New York: Bloomsbury. Kap 9-11 og side 270-276. 90 sider
Molnár, Miklós (2001) A Concise History of Hungary. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Kap. 6, 7. 80 sider
Anbefalt tilleggslitteratur:
Hupchick, Dennis and Harold E. Cox (2001) The Palgrave Concise Historical Atlas of the Balkans. New York: Palgrave
Hupchick, Dennis and Harold E. Cox (2001) The Palgrave Concise Historical Atlas of Eastern Europe. New York: Palgrave