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Adam, Frane, Matej Makarovic, Borut Roncevic, Matevz Tomsic: The Challenges of Sustained Development. The Role of Socio-Cultural Factors in East-Central Europe, 2005. Budapest and New York: Central European University Press. (Hele boken).

Aidukaite, Jolanta, The formation of social insurance institutions of the Baltic States in the post-socialist era: Journal of European Social Policy, 2006, 16 (3). Fulltekst.

Bachtler, John, Ruth Downes and Grzegorz Gorzelak: Transition, Cohesion and Regional Policy in Central and Eastern Europe, 2000. Aldershot: Ashgate. Kapittel 23: Regional Policy in Central and Eastern Europe: The EU Perspective (side 331-354) og kapittel 24: Transition, Cohesion and Regional Policy in Central and Eastern Europe: Conclusions (side 355-378).

Bakke, Elisabeth og Nick Sitter, ?stutvidelsen - Sentral-Europa, Baltikum og EU, i: Bakke, Elisabeht (red.), Sentral-Europa og Baltikum etter 1989, 2006. Det Norske Samlaget . Side 225-247.

Barr, Nicholas, Reforming Welfare States in post-communist countries, i: Orlowski, Lucjan T., Transition and Growth in Post-Communist Countries, The Ten-year Experience, 2001. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar. Side 169-218.

Bokros, Lajos, Financial Sector Development in Central and Eastern Europe, i: Winkler, Adalbert (Editor). Banking and Moneraty Policy in Eastern Europe: The First Ten Years, 2002. New York, NY, USA: Palgrave Macmillan. 

Cerami, Alfio: The Politics of Reforms in Bismarckian Welfare Systems: The Cases of Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia, 2006. Paper presented at the conference "A long good bye to Bismarck? The politics of welfare reforms in Continental Europe". 

Csaba, László: The New Political Economy of Emerging Europe, 2005. Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó. Side 18-20 og Kapittel 2: A Comparative Overview of Empirical Evidence (side 25-80).

Csaba, László (a), Ready, Steady, Go? How Prepared are the New EU Memmbers for Full Integration?: Intereconomics, 2004 02.

Csaba, László (b), Transition in and towards Europe: Economic Development and EU Accession of Post-Communist States: Zeitschrift für Staats- und Europawissenschaften, Berlin, 2004 03.

Djarova, Julia: Cross-Border Investing: The Case of Central and Eastern Europe, 2004. Hingham, MA, USA: Kluwer Academic Publishers. Kapittel 2: Dynamics of FDI in Central and Eastern Europe (side 43-70).

Dobrinsky, Rumen, Tax structures in transision economies in a comparative perspective with EU member states, i: Tumpel-Gugerell, Gertrude and Peter Mooslechner, Sturctural Challenges for Europe, 2003. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.

Fulz, Elaine and Silke Steinhilber, The Gender Dimensions of Social Security Reform in the Czech Republic, Hungary, and Poland, i: Fulz, Elaine, Markus Ruck and Silke Steinhilber (Eds.), The Gender Dimensions of Social Security Reform in Central and Eastern Europe: Case Studies of the Czech Republic, Hungary and Poland, 2003. Budapest: International Labour Organization. Side 13-41.

Garcia, E. Cuenca, Exchange-Rate Policies and the European Monetary Union: Past, Present and Future: The European Journal of Economic History, Vol. 34, Number 2, Fall 2005.

Grabbe, Heather: The EU's Transformative Power. Europeanization through Conditionality in Central and Eastern Europe, 2006. Palgrave Macmillan. Side 1-116.

Hanccock, M. Donald and John Logue: Transitions to Capitalism and Democracy in Russia and Central Europe, 2000. Westport: Praeger. Kapittel 5: Democracy and Privatization in Poland (side 117-134), kapittel 6: Foreign Direct Investment and Privatization Policy: The Causes and Consequenses of Hungary's Route to Capitalism (side 135-154) og kapittel 7: Klaus's "Middle Game": Repercussions of Privatization and Democratization in the Czech Republic (side 155-182).

Heidenreich, Martin, Regional inequalities in the enlarged Europe: Journal of European Social Policy, 2003, 13 (4). Fulltekst.

Henderson, Karen: Slovakia. The Escape from Invisibility, 2002. London and New York: Routlegde. Kapittel 4: The Economy in Slovakia (side 113-133).

Jensen, Camilla, Foreign Direct Investment and Economic Transition: Panacea or Pain Killer?: Europe-Asia Studies, Vol. 58, No. 6, September, 2006. Fulltekst.

Kager, Marianne, The banking system in the accession countries, i: Tumpel-Gugerell, Gertrude and Peter Mooslechner: Structural Challenges for Europe, 2003. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar. Side 91-102.

Kolodko, Grzegorz W., Globalization and Catching-up in Emerging Market Economies, i: Kolodko, Gzegorz W. (Ed.), Emergin Market Economies: Globalization and Development , 2003. Ashgate Publishing House. Side 3-47.

Manning, Nick, Diversity and change in pre-accession Central and Eastern Europe since 1989: Journal of Social Policy, 2004, 14 (3). Fulltekst.

Martin, Dalia, Andzelika Lorentowicz and Alexander Raubold, Ownership, Capital or Outsourcing: What Drives German Investment to Eastern Europe?, i : Herrmann, Heiz and Robert Lipsey: Foreign Direct Investment in the Real and Financial Sector of Industrial Countries, 2003. Frankfurt am Main: Springer.

Rutland, Peter, The Antinomies of Privatization in Eastern Europe, i: Grabher, Gertnot and David Stark, Restructuring Networks in Post-Socialism, 1997. Oxford: Oxford Univesity Press. Side 265-283.

Sárfi, Eva, Den ?konomiske overgangen, i: Bakke, Elisabeth, Sentral-Europa og Baltikum etter 1989, 2006. Det Norske Samlaget. Side 196-224.

Schneider, O. and Jan Zápal, Fiscal Policy in New EU Member States: Go East, Prodent Man: IES Working Paper, 2005. Institute of Economic Studies, Faculty of Social Sciences, Charles University, Prague. Side 3-16.

Schreyer, Michaele, The financial aspects of enlargement: some remarks, i: Tumpel-Gugerell, Gertrude and Peter Mooslechner, Sturctural Challenges for Europe, 2003. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar. Side 105-110.

Smith, David J, Artis Pibriks, Aldris Purs and Thomas Lane: The Baltic States. Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, London and New York: Routlede. Estland, kapittel 4; 'The Little Country that Could': Estonia's Economic Return to Europe (side 113-146), Latvia, kapittel 4: Latvia's Economy since 1991 (side 89-118), Litauen, kapittel 5: The Lithuanian Economy after Independence (side 163-198).

Tübke, Alexander, Pattern of Industrial Change in the Post-Communist EU Candidate Countries: Post-Communist Economies, Vol. 15, No. 2, 2003.

?slund, Anders: Building Capitalism. The Transformation of the Former Soviet Block, 2002. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Kapittel 5: Liberalization (side 159-198) og kapittel 6: Financial Stabilization (side 197-254).

Publisert 3. jan. 2007 13:26 - Sist endret 13. nov. 2020 10:03