
Pensum merket med * blir gjort tilgjengelig av kursleder. Pensum med oppgitt nettadresse m? studenten printe ut selv.

Pensum for alle:

?gh, Attila (2014) Decline of Democracy in East-Central Europe: The last decade as the lost decade in democratization. Journal of Comparative Politics 7.2.

B?rzel, Tanja A & Frank Schimmelfennig (2017) Coming together or drifting apart? The EU's political integration capacity in Eastern Europe. Journal of European Policy 24:2, 278-296 

* Berglund, Sten, Joachim Ekman, Kevin Deegan-Krause, Terje Knutsen (Eds.) (2013) The Handbook of Political Change in Eastern Europe. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing. Kap. 1 (The Resilience of History), 8 (The Czech Republic), 9 (Slovakia), 11 (Slovenia) ca. 80 sider

Cohen, Lenard J., John Lampe (2011) Embracing Democracy in the Western Balkans. From Post-Conflict Struggles towards Europan Integration. Baltimore: The John Hopkins University Press. Kap. 3-7. 200 sider.

Dolenec, Danijela (2013) Democratic Institutions and Authoritarian Rule in Southeast Europe. Colchester: ECPR Press. Side 27-189. 150 sider.

Lijphart, Arend (2008) Constitutional Design for divided SocietiesJournal of democracy. Vol. 15 No. 2

M?ller, J?rgen, Svend-Erik Skaaning (2014) Demokrati. Opfattelser, udviklinger, ?rsager og virkninger. K?benhavn: Hans Reitzels Forlag. Kap. 3, 4, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12. Ca. 200 sider. Boken finnes ogs? i engelsk utegave: M?ller, Jprgen and Svend-Erik Skaaning (2013) Democracy and Democratization in Comparative Perspective. New York: Routledge. Pensum i den engelske utgaven er kap. 3 og 7-11.

Stanley, Ben (2017) Populism in Central and Eastern Europe, i: Kaltwasser, Cristóbal, Paul A. Taggart, Paulina Ochoa Espejo, Rierre Ostiguy (2017) The Oxford Handbook of Populism, Oxford: Oxford University Press (Kapittelet kan leses ved ? google boken)


* Wolchik, Sharon L., Jane Leftwich Curry (Eds.) (2015) Central & East European Politics. From Communism to Democracy. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield. Kap. 8, 10, 12, 14, 15. 150 sider.

Pensum for studenter med fordypning Baltikum

Berglund, Sten, Joachim Ekman, Kevin Deegan-Krause, Terje Knutsen Eds. (2013) The Handbook of Political Change in Eastern Europe.Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing. Kap. 4 (Estland), 5 (Latvia), 6 (Litauen). (i Fronter)

De baltiske stater og demokrati:

Rose, Richard. 2007. Learning to Support New Regimes in Europe. Journal of Democracy, Volume 18, Number 3, July 2007, pp. 111-125. (i Fronter)

De baltiske stater og NATO, EU og forholdet til Russland:

Barany, Zoltan D. 2004. NATO's Peaceful Advance. Journal of Democracy, Volume 15, Number 1, January 2004, pp. 63-76. (i Fronter)

Miniotaite, Grazina. 2003. Convergent Geography and Divergent Identities: A decade of transformation in the Baltic states. Cambridge Review of International Affairs,16:2, 209-222. (i Fronter)

Lamoreaux,Jeremy W. ; Galbreath, David J. 2008. The Baltic States As ‘Small States’: Negotiating The ‘East’ By Engaging The ‘West’. Journal Of Baltic Studies Vol. 39 , Iss. 1. (i Fronter)

Simons, Greg. (2014). Perception of Russia's soft power and influence in the Baltic States. Public Relations Review. Volume 41, Issue 1. (i Fronter)


Pensum for studenter med fordypning Balkan

Tema 1.  


* Florian Bieber, Irena Ristic: Constrained Democracy: The Consolidation of Democracy in Yugoslav Successor States. Southeastern Europe, Volume 36, Number 3, 2012 , pp. 373-397. 25 s. (i Fronter)

* P. Nikiforos Diamandouros & F. S. Larrabee: Democratization in South-Eastern Europe. Theoretical considerations and evolving trends. In: G. Pridham & Tom Gallagher. Experimenting With Democracy: Regime Change in the Balkan. Routledge. 2000. 35 s. (i Fronter)

Tema 2. 


Meka, Eltion (2016) Minority Protection and Democratic Consolidation: The role of European Integration in the Republic of Macedonia, Genocide Studies and Prevention: An International Journal: Vol. 10: Iss. 2: 23-37. DOI: (i Fronter)

Key findings of the 2016 Report on the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia. Elections 2016 (i Fronter)


Montenegro: Elections aftermath and the European Commission’s 2016 country progress reports. (i Fronter)

Freedom House rapport (i Fronter).

Tema 3.


Cocozzelli, Fred: Between Democratisation and Democratic Consolidation: The Long Path to Democracy in Kosovo. Perspectives on European Politics and Society. Volume 14, Issue 1, 2013. 16 s. (i Fronter)

* Capussela, Andrea Lorenzo (2015) State-Building in Kosovo. Democracy, Corruption and the Balkans. London: I. B. Tauris. (utdrag, Introduction 1-12; The evolution of the political institutions 149-183) (i Fronter)

Tema 4. 


Robert L. Ivie and Timothy William Waters.: Discursive democracy and the challenge of state building in divided societies: reckoning with symbolic capital in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Nationalities Papers, Vol. 38, No. 4, July 2010, 449–468. 16 s. (i Fronter)

* Merdzanovic, Adis (2015) Democracy be Decree. Prospects and Limits of Imposed Consicialtional Democracy in Bosnia and Hezegovina.  Stuttgart: Ibidem Press. (utdrag, Consociationalism in Bosnia-Herzegovina - 165-184; Political Elites and Political Quarrels - 165-223; A short postscript on Macedonia and Kosovo - 385-399) (i Fronter)

Publisert 24. nov. 2017 10:15 - Sist endret 10. jan. 2018 09:55