
Pensum for alle

B?rzel, Tanja A & Frank Schimmelfennig (2017) Coming together or drifting apart? The EU's political integration capacity in Eastern Europe.Journal of European Policy 24:2, 278-296 

Bichta, Tomasz, Izabella Kimak (2017) Political Systems of the Former Yugoslavia. Berlin: Peter Lang. Kap. 3, 5, 9, 10 (i Canvas)

Bugaric, Bojan, Alenka Kuhelj (2018) Varieties of Populism in Europe: Is the Rule of Law in Danger? Hague J Rule Law (2018) 10:21–33 

Cabada, Ladislav, Petr Jurek Vit Hlou?ek (2014) Party Systems in East Central Europe. Lanham: Lexington books. Kap. 2, 4 (80 sider) (i Canvas)

Dimitrova, Antoaneta (2018) The uncertain road to sustainable democracy: elite coalitions, citizen protests and the prospects of democracy in Central and Eastern Europe, East European Politics, Volume 34, 2018, Issue 3 

Kitschelt, Herbert (2003) Accounting for postcommunist regime diversity: shat counts as a good cause? i Ekiert, G. & S.E. Hanson (eds.) Capitalism and Democracy in Central and Eastern Europe: Assessing the Legacy of Communism Rule. Cambridge: Cembridbe University Press (i Canvas)

Kostadinova, Petia (2015) Media in the New Democracies of Post-Communist Eastern Europe. East European Politics and Societies: and Cultures Volume 29 Number 2 

Kubbe, Ina (2018) Europe's democratic culture in the fight against corruption  Crime, Law and Social Change (2018) 70 

Lijphart, Arend (2008) Constitutional Design for divided SocietiesJournal of democracy. Vol. 15 No. 2

M?ller, J?rgen, Svend-Erik Skaaning (2014) Demokrati. Opfattelser, udviklinger, ?rsager og virkninger. K?benhavn: Hans Reitzels Forlag. Kap. 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12. Ca. 200 sider. Boken finnes ogs? i engelsk utegave: M?ller, J?rgen and Svend-Erik Skaaning (2013) Democracy and Democratization in Comparative Perspective. New York: Routledge. Pensum i den engelske utgaven er kap. 3 og 7-11.

Pehe, Jiri (2018) Czech Democracy Under Pressure. Journal of Democracy, Volume 29, Number 3, July 

Przybylski, Wojciech (2018) Can Poland's Backsliding Be Stopped? Journal of Democracy, Volume 29, Number 3, July 2018 

Rybar, Marek, Peter Spac (2017) The March 2016 parliamentary elections in Slovakia: A political earthquake. Electoral Studies 45 

Wolchik, Sharon L., Jane Leftwich Curry (Eds.) (2018) Central & East European Politics. From Communism to Democracy. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield. Kap. 2, 4, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14. 200 sider.


Se artikkel: The Big Question: What is the Root Cause of Rising Illiberalisme in Central and Eastern Europe?


Pensum for studenter med spesialisering Balkan (Bosnia, Montenegro, Makedonia, Kosovo, Albania)

Bichta, Tomasz, Izabella Kimak (2017) Political Systems of the Former Yugoslavia. Berlin: Peter Lang. Kap. 4, 6, 7, 8 (i Canvas)

Wolchik, Sharon L., Jane Leftwich Curry (Eds.) (2018) Central & East European Politics. From Communism to Democracy. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield, Kap. 15, 16


Pensum for studenter med spesialisering Baltikum (Estland, Latvia, Litauen)

Berglund, Sten, Joachim Ekman, Kevin Deegan-Krause, Terje Knutsen Eds. (2013) The Handbook of Political Change in Eastern Europe.Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing. Kap. 4 (Estland), 5 (Latvia), 6 (Litauen). (i Canvas)

Cianetti, Licia (2018) Consolidated technocratic and ethnic hollowness, but no backsliding: reassessing Europeanisation in Estonia and Latvia. East European Politics, 34:3

Duvold, Kjetil, Sten Berglund (2014) Democracy between Ethnos and Demos. East European Politics and Societies: and Cultures Volume 28 Issue 2 

Wolchik, Sharon L., Jane Leftwich Curry (Eds.) (2018) Central & East European Politics. From Communism to Democracy. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield, Kap. 12


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Publisert 3. des. 2018 14:06 - Sist endret 13. nov. 2020 10:04