

Andrew Wilson. Ukraine Crisis. What it means for the West. Yale University Press, 2014

Serhy Yekelchyk, Ukraine. Birth of a Modern Nation, Oxford University Press, 2007

Timothy Snyder, The Reconstruction of Nations. Poland, Ukraine, Lithuania, Belarus, 1569 - 1999, Yale University Press, 2003


Bokkapitler tilgjengelig i Fronter:

Karel C. Berkhoff, Harvest of Despair. Life and Death in Ukraine under Nazi Rule, The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 2004. Side 35-58, 59-88 og 275-304.

Amir Weiner, Making Sense of War. The Second World War and the Fate of the Bolshevik Revolution, Princeton University Press, 2001. Side 239-297.

Ray Brandon and Wendy Lower (red.), The Shoah in Ukraine. History, Testimony, Memorialization, Indiana University Press, 2008.Side 318-353.



John-Paul Himka, "Encumbered Memory. The Ukrainian Famine of 1932-33"

John-Paul Himka, "The Lviv Pogrom of 1941: The Germans, Ukrainian Nationalists , and the Carnival Crowd"

R. W. Davies, M. B. Tauger and S. G. Wheatcroft, "Stalin, Grain Stocks and the Famine of 1932-1933"

Paul D'Anieri, "Structural Constrains in Ukrainian Politics"

Geir Flikke, "Pacts, Parties and Elite Struggle: Ukraine's Troubles Post-Orange Transition"

Per Anders Rudling, "Memories of 'Holodomor' and National Socialism in Ukrainian Political Culture"

Publisert 26. mai 2016 09:41 - Sist endret 25. aug. 2016 10:07