
NB! Tekster merket med * finnes i Canvas. 


* Booth, Wayne C., Gregory G. Colomb, and Joseph M. Williams. 2009. ?From Topics to Questions?, ?From Questions to a Problem? i: The Craft of Research. Chicago and London: The University of Chicago Press, 35-66.


* Arvidsson, Claes (red.). 1984. ?ststatsstudier. Teori och metod.

* Horálek, Karel. 1992. ?A Brief Outline of the History of Comparative Slavonic Linguistics? i: An Introduction to the Study of Slavonic Languages, Nottingham, 491-516.

* Sjklovskij, Viktor. 1916. ?Kunsten som grep? i: Moderne litteraturteori, red. Atle Kittang et al. 2003. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget, 13-28 (?Iskusstvo kak priem? i: Sbornik po teorii poeti?eskogo jazyka, vyp. 2, 1917). 

Metodeseminarer - litteratur

* Darnton, Robert. 1982. "What Is the History of Books?" i: Daedalus, vol. 111, no. 3, s. 65-83.

* Grimstad, Knut Andreas. 2003. "'An unthinkable coincidence like any other': On Gendered Sensibility in the Poetry of Wis?awa Szymborska" i: Wis?awa Szymborska. A Stockholm Conference. Stockholm: Kungl. Vitterhets historie och antikvitets akademien, s. 71-81.

* M?rch, Audun. 2012. “The Chronotope of Freedom: The House of the Dead” i: Aspects of Dostoevskii. Art, Ethics and Faith. Amsterdam: Brill, s. 51-65.

* Ram, Harsha. 2016. "The Scale of Global Modernisms: Imperial, National, Regional, Local" i: PMLA, vol. 131, no. 5, s. 1372-1385.

* Todorova, Maria. 2005. "Spacing Europe: What is a historical region?" i: East Central Europe, no. 1-2, s. 59-78.

* Venuti, Lawrence. 2011. "World Literature and Translation Studies" i: The Routledge Companion to World Literature, s. 180-193.

Metodeseminarer - omr?destudier

* Andersen, Svein. 2013. Casestudier: forskningsstrategi, generalisering og forklaring. Bergen: Fagbokforlaget, kap. 4.

* Flikke, Geir. 2016. ?Resurgent authoritarianism: the case of Russia’s new NGO legislation? i: Post-Soviet Affairs, vol. 32, no. 2, s. 103-131.

* Kitschelt, Herbert. 2003. "Accounting for postcommunist regime diversity: what counts as a good cause?" i: Ekiert, G. & S. E. Hanson (eds.). Capitalism and Democracy in Central and Eastern Europe: Assessing the Legacy of Communism Rule. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, s. 49-81.

Kjeldstadli, Knut. 2013. Fortida er ikke hva den en gang var. En innf?ring i historiefaget. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget, kap. 2 og 8.

* Kolst?, P?l. 2019. ?Is Imperialist Nationalism an Oxymoron?? i: Nations and Nationalism, no. 1.

* Tjora, Aksel. 2012. ?Intervju? i: Kvalitative forskningsmetoder i praksis. Oslo: Gyldendal, s. 105-161.

Metodeseminarer - spr?k
* Alvestad, Silje Susanne. 2018 ?O. NOVA 546: THE UPPSALA MANUSCRIPT OF MA?B?L-? ??R?F (1631)? i: Reading Slowly. A Festschrift for Jens E. Braarvig. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz. 

* Alvestad, Silje Susanne. 2015. ?Canonical and non-canonical uses of the imperative in Slavic” i: Arabic and Semitic Linguistics Contextualized. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, s. 19-39.

* Alvestad, Silje Susanne. 2014. ?Fake Imperfektive Imperatives in Slavic? i: Corpus-based Studies in Comparative Linguistics, s. 29-41.

* Divjak, Dagmar, Laura A. Janda & Agata Kochańska. 2008. "Why Cognitive Linguistics Should Care about the Slavic Languages and Vice Versa" [NB! les sidene 1-11]

* ?ari?, Ljiljana & Svetlana Nedelcheva. 2018. "The verbal prefix u- in Croatian and Bulgarian" i: Languages in Contrast, vol. 18, no. 2, s. 252-281.

Publisert 3. des. 2018 14:09 - Sist endret 7. feb. 2019 11:14