
Det skal legges opp 800 sider totalt, som legges opp som f?lger:

SKRIVETEKNIKK - ca. 150 sider

Anbefalt litteratur:

Sissel Lie: Fri som foten. Om ? skrive fagtekster, Gyldendal.

Olga Dysthe, m.fl: Skrive for ? l?re, Abstrakt forlag.

FORSKNINGSVERKT?Y - ca. 250 sider

Utdrag fra:

Wayne Booth: The Craft of Research, University of Chicago Press.

Umberto Eco: Kunsten ? skrive en akademisk oppgave, hovedoppgave og masteroppgave, Idem.

ESTETISK ANALYSE - ca. 400 sider

Susan Sontag: Against Interpretation: And Other Essays, Picador.

Swales, John M. (1990): Ch. 7: Research articles in English, i Genre Analysis. English in academic and research settings, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 110-176.

Allen Rovert C. & Gomery, Douglas (1985): "Preface”, i Film History. Theory and Practice, McGraw-Hill Inc. 3-7.

Naremore, James (1998): “Introduction: This is where I came in”, i More than Night. Film Noir and its Contexts, University of California Press. 1-8.

Neuberg, Victor E. (1977): “Introduction”, i Popular Literature. A History and a Guide, Penguin Books. 11-17.

Hifler, Tony (1990): “Introduction”, i The Crime Novel. A deviant genre, University of Texas Press. 11-14.

Solomon, Stanley (1976): “Introduction”, i Beyond Formula. American Film Genres, Harcourt Brace Jovanovich. 1-9.

Vidler, Anthony (1994): “Preface”, i The Architectural Uncanny. Essays in the Modern Unhomely, MIT Press. 9-15.

Bronfen, Elisabeth (1992): “Preface”, i Over Her Dead Body. Death, Femininity and the Aesthetic, Routledge. 10-15.

Mitchell, W. J. T. (1994): “Introduction”, i Picture Theory, University of Chicago Press. 1-8.

Gade, Rune og Jerslevs, Anne (ed.) "Introduction", i: Performative Realism. Interdisciplinary Studies in Art and Media, Copenhagen: Museum Tusculanum Press, 2005 ss.7-17

I tillegg skal studenten legge opp to hovedoppgaver/masteroppgaver.

Publisert 24. apr. 2006 18:51 - Sist endret 14. juni 2006 18:05