Let me remind you of the lectures by Professor Kai Hafez from the University of Erfurt next Tuesday 22 April, 10.15 – 12.00 followed by lunch on "The Myth of Media Globalisation" and 17.00 –19.00 on "Arabic Media and Journalism". Both in the Fritt Ord house Uranienborgveien 2.
Candidate number
You find your candidate number under "status> examination registrations" in student web.
Please note that there has been a correction in the message below. The dates for your home exam are April 7.-10.
Information on exam submission at IMK
? The candidate / student number is published on student web approx. 2 weeks ahead of exam. You find your candidate number under "status> examination registrations".If you experience problems with your candidate number, please contact the IMK reception.
? The exam question will be published on the course's semester web page 10.00 Monday April 7.
? The deadline for submitting your exam is April 10. between 12.00 and 14.00. Exams submitted later than 14.00 will not be accepted. It is not possible to turn in corrected or missing material after the deadline.
? Please submit your exam in 3 copies. Every page in a copy has to be stapled or otherwise arranged in the correct order. Please number all pages. Also include candidate number, course name and code, and date.
? Remember to bring valid student ID when you submit your...
Seminar teacher, John F?rseth, has compiled useful advice about how to write a home exam. You can find the link under "seminars" to the left on this page.
Interesting article from the latest issue of The Economist on British journalism:
British journalism Hacks at work Feb 21st 2008 From The Economist print edition
JOURNALISTS have a pleasantly heroic self-image of down-at-heel crusaders dedicated to exposing falsehood, promoting justice and speaking truth to power. But that image is shared by few others: hacks routinely come near the bottom of surveys of public trust, sharing that honour with other perpetual hate-figures such as politicians or estate agents.
Nick Davies's latest book will only stoke such contempt. A long-serving reporter on the Guardian, a British daily, Mr Davies turns his investigative skills on his own profession. The picture he paints of journalism (almost entirely British despite the " global" in his subtitle) is of a debased trade in which rumour and unchecked speculation often masquerade as fact, where staff cuts mean that vast swathes of national life simply go unreport...
Tuesday 26 February Prof. Day Thussu from University of Westminster will lecture at the Fritt Ord House, Uranienborgveien 2. Consequently the class will meet there. The first lecture is from 10.15 - 12.00. The second from 13.00 - 15.00. Lunch will be served. For more information see below:
The first lecture is on: The 'Bollywoodization' of TV News?
The lecture focuses on recent changes in broadcasting news media in India, which have grown from a state-controlled monopoly to a thriving professional electronic journalism: with more than 40 television news channels, unrivalled by any other country. However, growing marketization of television has contributed to ' Bollywoodization' of news - defined as a trend towards infotainment, with serious implications for the public sphere in the world's largest democracy.
The second lecture is on "War as Infotainment"
In a commercially-driven broadcasting environment, operating in a fiercely competitive and...
Professor Gillian Doyle from University of Glasgow is at IMK next week given a course in Media Economics. It would be of interest to all of you. See: /studier/emner/hf/imk/MEVIT3300/v08/undervisningsplan/
A very interesting article about blogs are to be found at:
NB. There is lecture on the Feb 12., but seminar on Feb 11, at 14.15. And no seminar on Feb. 18. BUt lecture on Feb. 19.
I would like to call your attention to this website that has quite a lot of interesting information:
There seem to be some problems regarding the status of the curriculum. The books assigned for this course is the curriculum. They cannot be exchanged with other texts. You may however in your exam papers refer to other texts at will.
February 26 the class will meet in the Fritt Ord House, Uranienborgveien 2. from 10.15 - 12.00 there will be a lecture by Prof. Daya Thussu from University of Westminster in London on "Media in India and Global Media Mapping". From 13.15 - 15.00 the same day he will lecture at the same place on "War as Infotainment". In conjunction with both lectures there will be a discussion. Lunch will be served between the two lectures.
New Message: Classes for Bachelor students are: Jan 15 and 22: International Media and Journalism; Jan 29 and Feb 5: Journalism and Democracy – A Global Perspective; Feb 19: The Sociology of Journalism; Feb 26 and March 4: Forms of Journalism.
The students are of course also welcome to the classes in April: April 15, 22, and 29: Journalism in different parts of the world and the question of globalisation.
The take home exam, however, will be before these lectures.