JOUR4200 – Theoretical Perspectives in Journalism Studies

Schedule, syllabus and examination date

Course content

JOUR4200 is a compulsory introductory course for the students taking the MA in Journalism. It runs during the first semester.

The aim of the course is to provide an understanding of the theoretical questions and research traditions in the field of journalism. This enables students to build their further studies on solid ground and to get started straight away with the work for their final dissertation.

The course provides an introduction to the core issues in journalism research. The teaching will draw on theoretical perspectives from the existing literature, actual research, and explain how theory can be applied to empirical investigation.

Learning outcome

At the end of the course, as a student, you will:

? have acquired research-based knowledge about the role of journalism in society, the media market in which it operates, the impact advances in communication technologies have on journalistic work, journalists’ relationship with sources, and about journalism`s news values, genres and interpretation frames

? be able to formulate independent research questions related to a theoretical perspective in journalism research

? have developed the skills to analyze how digital technology and new media affect journalists` professional roles and working routines

? be able to identify and reflect critically on ethical issues and dilemmas in journalistic practice

Admission to the course

Students who are admitted to study programmes at UiO must each semester register which courses and exams they wish to sign up for in Studentweb.

If you are not already enrolled as a student at UiO, please see our information about admission requirements and procedures.

Priority will be given to students who are enrolled into the Journalism Master`s program.

Overlapping courses


The course has a combination of lectures and seminars.

Compulsory activities.

The course has two compulsory activities.

(i) All students must write and get approved a draft of the semester paper in order to be able to take the exam of the course. Individual feedback will be given on the draft.

(ii) Compulsory attendance of all seven (7) sessions unless a reason is provided. In case of online attendance, having one`s camera ON is required.

It is your responsiblity to familiarize yourself with the rules regarding compulsory activities at the Faculty of Humanities, and which reasons will give valid absence.


Term paper.

The exam paper should consist of 10 pages, +/- 10%. Front page, bibliography and pictures (if any) will not be counted. A normal page consists of about 2300 letters.

Language of examination

The examination text is given in English, and you submit your response in English.

Grading scale

Grades are awarded on a scale from A to F, where A is the best grade and F is a fail. Read more about the grading system.

Resit an examination

More about examinations at UiO

You will find further guides and resources at the web page on examinations at UiO.

Last updated from FS (Common Student System) Mar. 11, 2025 4:05:35 AM

Facts about this course


This course was taught for the last time autumn 2021.

The exam will be given for the last time autumn 2022.

The course is last held autumn 2021


Examination is last held autumn 2022

Teaching language