
Pensum JOUR4200, h?st 2014



Allern, Sigurd & Ester Pollack (red.) (2009): Skandalenes markedsplass. Politikk, moral og mediedrev. Bergen: Fagbokforlaget (197 sider)


Bjerke, Paul (2011): Journalistikkens vekst og fall? Om journalistisk profesjonsmakt. Kristiansand: IJ-forlaget (240 s)


Wahl–J?rgensen, Karin & Hanitzsch, Thomas (2009): The Handbook of Journalism Studies. London: Routledge (Kap: 5-13,17-18, 27-28) (176 sider)





Ekekrantz, Jan & Olsson, Tom (1994): ”Sm? texter och stora problem”, kap. 2 i Det redigerade samh?llet. Carlssons bokf?rlag.


Ericsson, Richard & al. (1989): ”Negotiating control”. Chapter 1 i Negotiating Control. A Study of News Sources. Open University Press.


MacManus, John H. (1994): ”The Nature of News Reconsidered”. Chapter 2, p 17-39, in Market-Driven Journalism. Let the Citizen Beware?. London: Sage.


Odd Raaum (1996): "R.?.K – tre journalistiske pliktnormer". Norsk medietidsskrift nr. 2, s.105-120. (15)




Allern, Sigurd (2002): "Journalistic and Commercial News Values: News Organizations as patrons of an institution and market actors". Nordicom Review, 23 (1-2), 137-152.


Curran, James (2010): "The Future of Journalism", Journalism Studies, vol 11, issue 4, 464-476.


Franklin, Bob (2012): "The Future of Journalism. Developments and Debates", Journalism Studies, vol. 13, issue 5-6, 663-681.


Lewis, Justin., Williams Andrew & Franklin, Bob (2008): "A compromised Fourth Estate?", Journalism Studies, vol 9, no 1, 1-20.


McChesney, Robert W. (2012): "Farewell to Journalism? Time for a Rethinking", Journalism Studies, vol. 13, issue 5-6, 682-694.


Morlandst?, Lisbeth (2012): "Tema med visse variasjoner – en studie av utviklingen i skandinavisk journalistikkforskning", Norsk Medietidsskrift, 04/2012, s 292-310.


Nielsen, Rasmus Klein & Schr?der, Kim Christian (2014): "The relative importance of social media for accessing, finding, and engaging with news. An eight-country cross-media comparison’, Digital Journalism, DOI: 10.1080/21670811.2013.872420


Steensen, Steen (2011): "Online journalism and the Promises of a New Technology. A Critical review and Look Ahead". Journalism Studies, vol. 12, issue 3 311-327.








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Published July 8, 2014 11:10 AM - Last modified July 18, 2014 10:29 AM