Team roles


1. Producer

The producers are the group leaders, and are responsible for planning and keeping the production schedule, including the sequence of the film sessions. If the group disagrees on something, the producer decides after listening to all parties. Producers report to Anders.

  1. Director

The directors instruct the actors and are reponsible for the creative vision for the film. Directors are the creative leaders, who take the final decisions on manuscript, shots, and editing after listening to the others.

  1. Photographer

The photographers plan each shot and films the action.

  1. Actor 1
  2. Actor 2
  3. Actor 3
  4. (Script)

Scripts help the director to keep track of takes and ensure continuity. It is the scripts who note what clothes the characters were wearing in the previous scene, and how their hair looked. The scripts may also help out as extra actors if the manuscript requires.

  1. (Production assistant)

Production assistants help with everything during production. For our teams they will be especially useful for helping with sets, props, and costumes, as we have no dedicated team members for these parts of the production. The PAs may also help out as extra actors if the manuscript requires.

Post production

All team members take part in post-production, yet the producers stay in charge of the schedule, and the directors still have the final word on the look of the film.

Published Sep. 24, 2014 11:12 AM - Last modified Sep. 24, 2014 11:12 AM