
Published Oct. 29, 2015 2:44 PM
Published Oct. 26, 2015 3:05 PM

The lecture on Thursday 29 October is a summary lecture for this semester. What would you like Anders to talk about?

Type in your topic of choice in this online form:

There, you can also give your evaluation of the course.

Published Oct. 17, 2015 1:24 PM

Dear Audiovisual Aesthetics student

Monday and Tuesday are our penultimate seminars, where we will discuss audiovisual analyses. 

This is an assignment that might be very relevant for your exam.

Please bring your Film Art book.


Jon Inge

Published Oct. 9, 2015 12:38 PM

In collaboration with "Rosebud," the student's social club at the Department of Media and Communication (IMK), we are happy to invite all students in MEVIT1110 Audiovisual Aesthetics to a screening of all the student films in room 205, IMK, at 16.30 Thursday 15 October 2015.

The Rosebud bar in the innermost corner of the lecture room area will be open from 16.00 and throughout the screening.

All are welcome, spread the word!

Published Oct. 7, 2015 2:59 PM

As you probably have noticed, two lectures with the same title had found their way into the lecture plan. This was a mistake. There is no lecture tomorrow, 8 October.

The game lecture will be 5 November, which is the earliest date we could get Kristine J?rgensen, and international expert on the topic.

Published Oct. 6, 2015 6:56 PM

Dear Audiovisual Aesthetics students

Send me your films - via links (YouTube, Vimeo etc.) or as a file (Dropbox etc.) - by Friday Oct 9.

If you are finished with your production a day or three early, feel free to send the film asap. I will then have more time to prepare my responses for the seminars Monday and Tuesday next week, where we will watch and go through each film together. (There will also be a "Premiere party" late next week, stay tuned...!)

Good luck with your final touches on the film!


Jon Inge

Published Sep. 28, 2015 3:58 PM

If you'd like to have some final feedback before handing in your film on October 9, send a film link (Vimeo, password protected, for instance) or file to 

Good luck!


Jon Inge

Published Sep. 11, 2015 5:15 PM

A reminder:

Your treatments are due today, September 11. 

Please send to Jon Inge Faldalen:

And remember to write your group number.

We will discuss your treatments during the seminars Monday and Tuesday.


Jon Inge

Published Sep. 7, 2015 2:30 PM

Due to problems in the auditorium Kristen Nygaards house, Store auditorium, we have decided to change location for the remaining lectures and film screenings in MEVIT1110 Audiovisual Aestetics.

The new location is Harald Schjelderups house, auditorium 4. It is not far from Kristen Nygaards house.

The schedule is updated.

Published Aug. 21, 2015 12:06 PM

As the first lecture was severely hampered by malfunctioning audivisual equipment*, we have added an extra hour to the lecture on 27 August. Then we will analyse the causal structure in Thelma and Louise, before going into the scheduled lecture on shot and mise-en-scène.

* Geek note: the problem seems to be that the projector does not support the HCDP protocol.