Forelesningen torsdag 26.9 er flyttet til aud. 2 Georg Sversdrups hus (UB)
NB!! Forelesningen vil foreg? i Auditorium 2 i Georg Sverdrups hus (Universitetsbiblioteket,) 14:15 - 16.00
Forelesning vil bli holdt av et panel best?ende av noen av verdens fremste forskere innenfor tillit til sosiale medier og digitale milj?er, bla. IMKs Elisabeth Staksrud og Charles Ess.
Om forelesningen:
"Manifestly, our lives are increasingly lived online – e.g. shopping, entertainment, financial transactions, and, perhaps most importantly, through Social Networking Venues such as Facebook, Twitter or WhatsApp.
Initial presentations will identify some of the most prominent contemporary challenges to trust online, exploring their ethical, social, and political dimensions along the way. Possible resolutions will be offered and critically examined."
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