Teaching plan

DateTeacherPlaceTopicLecture notes / comments
16.03.2005Anders Fagerjord? Ragnar Frisch's Auditorium? "The Popular," "High" and "Low" in Culture; Walter Benjamin: The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction? Handout: "Benjamin: the Missing Headings. (pdf, 196Kb)?
23.03.2005Anders Fagerjord? Ragnar Frisch's Auditorium? Adorno and Horkheimer: Culture Industry? Handout: Adorno and Horkheimer: Major Points?
30.03.2006Anders Fagerjord? Ragnar Frisch's Auditorium? Roland Barthes: Mythologies? Lecture notes?
06.04.2006Tore Slaatta? Ragnar Frisch's Auditorium? Pierre Bourdieu: Distinction? Lecture notes (pdf, 64kb)?
20.04.2006Anders Fagerjord? Ragnar Frisch's Auditorium? Andreas Huyssen: After the Great Divide? Lecture notes (pdf, 1,4MB--BIG)?
27.04.2006Tore Slaatta? Ragnar Frisch's Auditorium? Pierre Bourdieu: Distinction (continued)? Lecture notes (pdf, 44kB)?
04.05.2006Anders Fagerjord? Ragnar Frisch's Auditorium? Summary Lecture? Lecture Notes?
Published Sep. 28, 2006 2:32 PM - Last modified Sep. 28, 2006 4:21 PM