OBS! Frist for kvalifiseringsoppgave 17. april

MEVIT2532 - Filmhistorie


Kvalifiseringsoppgave (OBS! M? best?s for ? ta eksamen)


Omfang:   ca. 5 sider

Leveringsfrist:  17. april kl. 15.00


I teksten ”Doing Film History” skriver David Bordwell:


”There are distinct types of explanation in film history. A standard list would include:


Biographical history: focusing on an individual’s life history

Industrial or economic history: focusing on business practices

Aesthetic history: focusing on film art (form, style, genre)

Technological history: focusing on the materials and machines of film

Social/cultural/political history: focusing on the role of cinema in the larger society”


Kilde: http://www.davidbordwell.net/essays/doing.php


Diskuter de ulike filmhistoriske perspektivene i b?kene Introduksjon til film ogMovie History i lys av Bordwells utsagn.


Lykke til!


Ove Solum og Jon Inge Faldalen

Publisert 12. apr. 2015 19:06