

  • Bryant, J., S. Thompson & B. W. Finklea (2013) Fundamentals of Media Effects. Long Grove. Illinois, Waveland Press.
  • Potter, W. J. (2012). Media Effects. Sage



  • Perloff, Richard M. (1999) The Third Person Effect: A Critical Review and Synthesis. Media Psychology. 1(4): 353-378.

  • Hansen, Glenn J. & Hyunjung Kim (2011) Is the Media Biased Against Me? A Meta-Analysis of the Hostile Media Effect Research. Communication Research Reports 28(2):169-179.


Anbefalt lesning

  • Bryant, Jennings & Mary Beth Oliver (2009) Media Effects. Advances in Theory and Research. London: Routledge. 
  • McCombs, M., Holbert, R. L., Kiousis, S., Wanta, W. (2011). The News and Public Opinion. Media Effects on Civic Life (198 sider)



Publisert 21. nov. 2019 11:20 - Sist endret 7. jan. 2020 16:31