
Published Apr. 27, 2011 2:07 PM

Information regarding the exam:

The exam question will be published on this webpage monday 2.5. at 10 am.

Karoline Ihleb?k will be avaible for questions regarding the exam questions at 10.30 am, room 208 at IMK.

Deadline is thursday 5.5 at 2 pm. Your exam must be submitted in Fronter ( The name of the file you upload should be your candidatenumber (xxxxxx.pdf)

Important information regarding exams at IMK

Published Mar. 28, 2011 2:22 PM

Remember tomorrow's guest lecture on "Mediated cosmopolitanism", by Alexa Robertson from Stockholm University. Tine.

Published Mar. 17, 2011 1:35 PM

SEMINAR: Tomorrows seminar is an excursion to the Democratic Voices of Burma. Please see seminar outline for more details. Karoline

Published Mar. 14, 2011 3:53 PM

A small change in the teaching plan: Elisabeth Eide gives her guest lecture on "Transnational media events: The cartoon crisis case" on March 22 (she is out of the country on the original date, April 12). Henry Mainsah's two lectures on "Transnational audiences and popular culture" will be on April 5 and 12. I have included these changes in an updated version of the teaching plan. NB: Remember tomorrow's session on the Democratic Voice of Burma! Tine.

Published Feb. 28, 2011 12:26 PM

SEMINARS: PLEASE note that an updated outline for the seminars is published. You can find a link to a map to where Schibsted is situated + an assignment for the following seminar. Looking forward to seeing all of you on thursday. Keep up the good spirit! Karoline

Published Feb. 25, 2011 2:09 PM

NB! The next seminar is at Schibsted, thursday, 8.30-10.00. Karoline

Published Feb. 24, 2011 12:01 PM

A small change in the teaching plan: I have decided to swap topics for my two upcoming lectures, so that the next lecture (March 1) will be on "The Globalization Myth? Localization and regionalization of 'Global news'", and the "Media policy and regulation in a global perspective" lecture will be on March 8. Tine.

Published Feb. 24, 2011 8:20 AM

SEMINARS: Please note that next week we will visit Schibsted on THURSDAY. This will replace the seminar on friday. Karoline

Published Feb. 21, 2011 8:51 PM

SEMINARS: Please note that an updated version of the seminar outline is uploaded on the course website. Make sure you meet up prepared for the next seminar when we will discuss Rantanens concept of mediagraphy! Looking forward to seeing you all again on friday. Karoline

Published Feb. 21, 2011 2:44 PM

Remember the guest lecture tomorrow! "International entertainment flows: The Idol case" by Yngvar Kjus, 10.15-12.00. Tine.

Published Feb. 17, 2011 10:31 PM

Welcome to the seminars! We will start of with talking about our expectations to the seminars and the motivations for taking the course. Karoline

Published Feb. 14, 2011 3:10 PM

NB! The seminars start this Friday! Karoline (your seminar teacher) will give you more details soon. Tine.

Published Feb. 14, 2011 2:28 PM

Remember tomorrow's guest lecture by Gillian Doyle "Media economy in a global context", 10.15-12.00. Tine.

Published Jan. 28, 2011 4:49 PM

There is NO lecture Tuesday February 1st. The next lecture is Henry Mainsah's guest lecture on "Mediatized rituals in a global era", February 8th, 10.15-12.00. Tine.

Published Jan. 17, 2011 11:55 AM

Here is a map to help you find '亚博娱乐官网_亚博pt手机客户端登录sparken' and The Department of Media and Communication. Room 205 and 208 is located on level 2 (one floor below the ground floor).

Published Jan. 12, 2011 4:34 PM

You will get the detailed teaching plan and a full presentation of the programme when we meet for the first lecture on Tuesday (January 18, 10.15-12.00, room 205). Tine.