
Published Nov. 19, 2014 12:39 PM

The exam questions will be published on this page Monday November 24 at 10:00

Deadline for submission is Thursday November 27 at 14:00. Your exam and the obligatory statement concerning cheating must be submitted in Fronter ( before 14:00.

Read this website before you start writing your exam:

Instructions concerning exam submissions at IMK

Write down your candidate number on your exam, not your name. Your candidate number is published in your student web.

The file you upload into Fronter should be named as your candidatenumber (xxxxxx.pdf or xxxxxx.doc). It's important that you download the file in a recognizable format, and we recommend that you use pdf.

Good Luck!

Published Oct. 20, 2014 9:45 AM

Guest Lecture: Professor Hilde Van den Bulck, University of Antwerp.  

The course Media & Politics has the pleasure to invite IMKs faculty staff and students to an guest lecture Monday 20th Oct 13:15-15:00 (in room 205) 

The first hour Van den Bulck will lecture on Media Policy & Methodology, and the second hour will focus on Celebrity Activism and Politics. 


Best regards, 
Gunn Enli, course leader

Ingeborg Holmene, seminar leader

Published Oct. 9, 2014 12:57 PM

We will meet in room 207, 14.15 and prepare questions for the master students topic for their term paper. 

You may now find these topics listed in the program for the conference in the folder in fronter:

MEVIT3350 - Fellesrom 2014-h?st > Arkiv > PowerPoints from Lectures and seminars  > "Conference program.pdf"

  • If there are some of the topics that interests you more than others, it might be a good idea to read up on the subject beforehand, so that it's easier to come up with relevant questions.
  • Use the reading list to find information about the different topics.

Best regards,

Published Sep. 9, 2014 2:57 PM

Please sign up via the form below, before Wednesday September 17th,, to let us know if you are attending the excursions in Media and Politics this semester:

NRK (After the lecture Monday September 22nd. Open for Media and Politics students (bachelor & master) + other students at IMK)


The Norwegian Media Authority (from 9-15, Friday October 10th, NB: Media and Politics students only)

Published Aug. 28, 2014 2:55 PM

Employees at the Norwegian Media Authority will give talks about their field of work connected to the

  • Broadcasting act
  • and media ownership rules.

We will give you more information about the excursion to the Norwegian Media Authority when we receive a more detailed schedule.

Please sign up via a form you will receive by email to let us know if you are attending or not. We need this information to book tickets to Fredrikstad and so forth.

Best regards,
Gunn and Ingeborg