Exam assignment II - Group submission

Exam II: Group assignment (40% of the total grade). This is a group assignment, submitted by groups of 3-5 students.

Submission deadline: November 9 by 11:00 (11AM). At least one student in each group must submit on behalf of their group in Fronter by the deadline.


The group assignment is a comparative analysis of 2-3 relevant cases/examples, and a discussion of factors that can explain similarities and differences. The main heading also for this assignment is Continuity and change in the relationship between media and politics, but here the emphasis is on variations under this common theme.

The cases/examples to be compared could be from one country, from different countries or from different historical periods.

In the paper, the group should formulate specific research question(s). The group assignment should review literature and discuss the cases in the light of relevant perspectives, factors, concepts and explanations.

Gunn Enli, Trine Syvertsen and Stefania Milan will point to possible cases/examples when they give a joint lecture on 21.9. on the three books Mediated Authenticity (Enli) Social Movements and Their Technologies (Milan) and Media Resistance (Syvertsen).

The group assignment should be 10-20 pages depending on the size of the group (3-5 students), plus full bibliography.



Students are expected to use the course syllabus to get an overview over the subject. Students are expected to use arguments and perspectives from the reading list, but can also draw on other literature. You are encouraged to include material from the individual literature reviews, but these must be restructured to fit the topic in the group assignment.

You are not expected to collect extensive empirical data for the assignment, but you should find and describe illustrative cases and discuss them.

A possible structure could be: An introduction to the topic with research questions and short description of the cases, a review of relevant literature, a more detailed presentation of the cases, a systematic comparison between the cases as well as a discussion of factors and explanations, conclusion and bibliography.

Important evaluation criteria are whether the assignment is well organized, and a specific research question is formulated. The assignment should show a good grasp of relevant literature, compare the cases systematically, and discuss factors that can explain differences and similarities. All the formalities should be in place (correct citations, length, sources etc.).

We recommend writing in English, but students can also write in Scandinavian languages (Nordic media students must use English).



Your submission should be 10-20 standard pages long depending on size of group (not including bibliography).

Use Times New Roman, Times or Calibri, 12pt, 1.5 line spacing. Include the full references to the literature after the review, using a designated reference style. For a description of styles, see





We will introduce possible topics for the group assignment in a joint lecture 21.9.

The lecture/seminar 5.10 will be entirely devoted to starting the group work. Here we will discuss teamwork skills, divide students into groups and get started on the assignment. Groups should not be formed ahead of this seminar, as we will do an exercise here that will form the basis for group formation.

In the seminar 12.10. we expect each group to produce a preliminary plan for the work with a tentative research question. We will also discuss general issues.

The group will be assigned a supervisor and can plan the rest of the work with her.

Published Aug. 30, 2017 3:18 PM - Last modified Aug. 30, 2017 3:20 PM