
Det kan komme endringer i pensumlisten.



Hausken, Liv (2009) "Medieestetikk. 亚博娱乐官网_亚博pt手机客户端登录 i estetisk medieanalyse", Scandinavian Academic Press

Light, Andrew and Smith, J.M. (eds.) (2005) The Aesthetics of Everyday Life, New York: Colombia University Press, s.ix-131, 136s.

Keenan, Thomas and Weizman, Eyal (2012) Mengele's Skull: The Advent of a Forensic Aesthetics. Berlin: Sternberg Press (88 sider)




Benjamin, Walter (1991 [1939]) “Kunstverket i reproduksjonsalderen” i Kunstverket i reproduksjonsalderen. Essays om Kultur, litteratur og politikk, Oslo: Gyldendal Norsk Forlag, s.35-64, 30s.

Carroll, N?el (2007) ”Narrative Closure”, Philosophical Studies, Vol.135, No.1, pp.1-15 (15 sider)

Freeland, Cynthia (2007) ”Portraits in Painting and Photography”, in Philosophical Studies: An International Journal for Philosophy in the Analytic Tradition, Vol.135, No.1., pp.95-109. (15 sider).

Furniss, Maureen (2007) “Introduction to animation studies” in Art in motion: animation aesthetics, John Libbey Publishing pp. 3-12 (10 s).

Hausken, Liv (2013): ”Introduction” in Liv Hauesken (ed.) Thinking Media Aesthetics, Frankfurt Am Main: PL Academic Research pp. 29-50. (21 sider)

Hausken, Liv (2016) ”My Take on Media Aesthetics”, Sensorium Journal. 2016, 1 (1), pp. 81-91 (11 sider).

Hausken, Liv (2017) ”The Media Aesthetics of Brain Imaging in Popular Science” in Nicola M?ssner and Alfred Nordmann (ed.) Reasoning in Measurement, London: Routledge, pp. 57-72 (15 sider)

Kittler, Friedrich (2009[2002]) ”Optiske medier - to forelesninger” i Mediefilosofi. Oslo: Cappelen Damm.s.97-143, 47s.

Kukkonen, Karin (2011) ”Comics as a Test Case for Transmedial Narratology”, SubStance, Vol.40, n.1 (issue 124), pp.34-52 (19 sider)

Lynch, Michael (2006) ”The Production of Scientific Images. Vision and Re-vision ín the Histry, Philosophy, and Sociology of Science” in Luc Pauwels (ed) Visual Cultures of Science, Dartmouth College Press, p.26-40 (15 sider)

Manovic, Lev (2001) Post-media Aesthetics, [accessed May 19, 2017] (18 sider).

McLuhan, Marshall (1964) ”Introduction” + ”The Medium is The Message” in Understanding Media, London: Routledge, s. 3-23 (20 sider)

Mitchell, W.J.T. (2008) “Adressing Media", MediaTropes eJournal, vol I, pp. 1–18, (19 sider)

Mitchell, W. J. T. og Mark B. N. Hansen (2010) (red.) “Introduction” i Critical Terms for Media Studies. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, s.vii-xx11, 16s.

Pasveer, Bernike (2006) ”Representing or Mediating. A History and Philosophy of X-ray Images in Medicine” in Luc Pauwels (ed) Visual Cultures of Science, Dartmouth College Press, p.41-62 (22 sider)

Petty, James (2016) ”The London Spikes Controversy: Homelessness, Urban Securitisation and the Question of ’Hostile Architecture’”, International Journal for Crime, Justice and Social Democracy 5(1), pp. 67-81 (14 sider).

Smith, Murray (1995) ”Film Spectatorship and the Institution of Fiction”, The Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism, Vol.53, No.2 (Spring 1995), pp.113-127 (15 sider)

Wasson, Haidee (2007) “The Networked Screen: Moving Images, Materiality, and the Aesthetics of Size”, (accessed May 23). 22s.

Weber, Samuel (1996) “Television: Set and Screen” I Mass Mediauras. Form, technics, media. Stanford University Press, p.108-128, 21s.

Wilson, George (2006) ”Transparency and Twist in Narrative Fiction Film”, The Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism, Vol.64, No.1, pp.81-95 (15 sider)



I tillegg til ordin?rt pensum skal det legges opp et verkpensum, dvs. et analysemateriale som studentene skal gj?re seg kjent med, som det skal arbeides med p? seminarene, og som vil kunne inng? som analysemateriale til eksamen.

1. et portrett, selvvalgt medium

2. en v?rmelding, selvvalgt medium

3. en animert film eller fjernsynsepisode

4. et vitenskapelig bilde

5. en audiovisuell fiksjonsfortelling

Alt materialet m? kunne leveres i to (2) eksemplarer til eksamen.

Publisert 22. mai 2017 16:25 - Sist endret 7. aug. 2017 09:24