
Mindre endringer i pensum kan forekomme. Studenter kan bytte ut inntil 30% av pensum i samr?d med fagl?rer.



Hausken, Liv. Medieestetikk. 亚博娱乐官网_亚博pt手机客户端登录 i estetisk medieanalyse, Scandinavian Academic Press, 2009

Light, Andrew and Smith, J.M. (red.) The Aesthetics of Everyday Life. New York: Colombia University Press, 2005, s.ix-131(136s.)

Mitchell, W. J. T. og Mark B. N. Hansen (red.) Critical Terms for Media Studies. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2010


Kompendium og artikler:

Benjamin, Walter (1991 [1939]) “Kunstverket i reproduksjonsalderen” i Kunstverket i reproduksjonsalderen. Essays om Kultur, litteratur og politikk, Oslo: Gyldendal Norsk Forlag, s.35-64.

Carroll, N?el (2007) ”Narrative Closure”, Philosophical Studies, Vol.135, No.1, side 1-15. (Tilgjengelig online for UiO- brukere,

Ernst, Wolfgang ([2011] 2013) “Media Archaeography: Method and Machine versus the History and Narrative of Media” i Digital Memory and the Archive, University of Minnesota Press, side 55-73.

Furniss, Maureen (2007) “Introduction to animation studies” in Art in motion: Animation Aesthetics, John Libbey Publishing, side 3-12.

Hausken, Liv (2013): ”Introduction” in Liv Hausken (ed.) Thinking Media Aesthetics, Frankfurt Am Main: PL Academic Research side 29-50. 

Hausken, Liv (2017) ”The Media Aesthetics of Brain Imaging in Popular Science” in Nicola M?ssner and Alfred Nordmann (ed.) Reasoning in Measurement, London: Routledge, side 57-72.

Hausken, Liv (2018). ?Media Aesthetics? i Oxford Bibliographies in Communication. Ed. Patricia Moy. New York: Oxford University Press, 28 March 2018. (Tilgjengelig online for UiO- brukere .)

Kittler, Friedrich ([1986] 1999) ?Preface? + ?Introduction? i Gramophone, Film, Typewriter, Stanford University Press, side xxxix-xli og side 1-19. 

Lynch, Michael (2006) ”The Production of Scientific Images. Vision and Re-vision ín the Histry, Philosophy, and Sociology of Science” in Luc Pauwels (ed) Visual Cultures of Science, Dartmouth College Press, side 26-40.

Manovich, Lev (2001) Post-media Aesthetics, (online, [accessed 4 May, 2018]) (18 sider).

McLuhan, Marshall ([1964] 2003) “Introduction to the second edition” og “The medium is the message”, i Understanding Media, Corte Madera, CA: Ginko Press, side 9-35. 

Wasson, Haidee ([2007] 2008) “The Networked Screen: Moving Images, Materiality, and the Aesthetics of Size”, i Marchessault, Janine og Susan Lord (red) Fluid Screens, Expanded Cinema, University of Toronto Press, side 74-95. 

Weber, Samuel (1996) “Television: Set and Screen” I Mass Mediauras. Form, technics, media. Stanford University Press, side 108-128.



I tillegg til ordin?rt pensum skal det legges opp et verkpensum, dvs. et analysemateriale som studentene skal gj?re seg kjent med, som det skal arbeides med p? seminarene, og som vil kunne inng? som analysemateriale til eksamen.

1. en animert film eller fjernsynsepisode

2. en audiovisuell fiksjonsfortelling

3. en v?rmelding, selvvalgt medium

4. et kunstverk, selvvalgt medium

5. et vitenskapelig bilde

Alt materialet m? kunne gj?res tilgjengelig for sensor til eksamen.

Publisert 4. mai 2018 13:48 - Sist endret 9. aug. 2018 09:29