
DatoUndervises avStedTemaKommentarer / ressurser
23.08.2005Tanja Storsul? Seminarrom 205? Introduksjon/Introduction? Introduction to the writing process and to the course. The class will be divided into working groups. ?
30.08.2005USIT? Multimedierommet? Introduction to Vortex? Alle innleveringer skal skje elektronisk. Alle f?r oppl?ring i VORTEX som er systemet som h?ndterer dette. F?rste gruppe kl 10-11, andre gruppe kl 12-13.

All assignments shall be submitted electronically. All students will get an introduction to the VORTEX-system which is used for this purpose. First group at 10-11, second group at 12-13.?

06.09.2005Tanja Storsul m fl? Seminarrom 205? Prosjektideer/Ideas for projects? Presentation of research projects at IMK + Vitenskapsbutikken (the science shop)?
13.09.2005Tanja Storsul? Seminarrom 205? Presentasjoner av pensumlitteratur/Presentation of literature from reading list? Presentation of books from the reading list which the students have read and discussed in groups.?
20.09.2005Tanja Storsul? Seminarrom 205? Analyse av masteroppgave/Analysis of master thesis? First obligatory assignment. Group submission.

Document: Written analysis. Deadline 23 September. ?

28.09.2005Signe Brands?ter? Biblioteket/Library? Biblioteksorientering(Library Introduction? First group from 10-13. (The library introduction will take place in two groups - the second group is the next day)?
29.09.2005Signe Brands?ter? Biblioteket/Library? Biblioteksorientering/Library introduction? Second group from 10-13.?
04.10.2005Tanja Storsul m fl? Studenterhytta? 2-days seminar 4-5 October? Intensive writing seminar?
05.10.2005Tanja Storsul m fl? Studenterhytta? 2-days seminar 4-5 October? Intensive writing seminar?
25.10.2005Tanja Storsul? Seminarrom 205? Respons til andres beskrivelser/Respond to other student's drafts? Second obligatory assignmnent is a written respons to another student's draft project description.

3 documents: respons to other student's draft project description, the draft description you respond to + your reading list. Deadline 28 October.?

01.11.2005? ? ? First optional deadline for project descriptions.

Documents: Description + "no cheating form".?

10.12.2005? ? ? Deadline for project descriptions.

Documents: Description + "no cheating form".?

Published June 30, 2005 5:24 PM - Last modified Aug. 26, 2005 11:37 AM