Syllabus/achievement requirements

Students shall compose their own reading list of 600-800 pages. This reading list shall include at least:

1. Two master theses’ of your own choice. Master theses are electronically available on

2. One book about writing academic texts/how to write a master thesis. Choose between:


3. One book about media studies: Choose between:


4. Guidelines for research ethics in the social science, law and the humanities.


5. Research ethics guidelines for Internet research.


6. Wikipedia article on citation

7. Description of one citation style. Choose between:


We also recommend:

Maas?, Arnt: Bachelorboka Oslo, Universitetsforlaget, especially part 2.


Note that your reading list is your second portfolio assignment and shall be written in APA or Chicago style. Deadline 28. August.

Publisert 20. aug. 2013 11:24 - Sist endret 20. aug. 2013 13:00