Kickoff schedule
Hi all,
Since not all have access to Canvas yet, here is a copy of the schedule for the kickoff days from Wednesday 17. august.
Teaching assistants Cole and Wiktoria will welcome you all in front of the right hand entrance to 亚博娱乐官网_亚博pt手机客户端登录sparken (20 m to the right of the main entrance) Wednesday 17. of August. If you cannot attend the kickoff days physically, please send an email to
(Schedule may be subject to change)
Time |
Wednesday: Welcome |
10:15 |
Welcome! Calibrating expectations |
10:45 |
Group session w/ ice breakers |
11:15 |
Break |
11:30 |
Learning outcomes and motivation paper |
12:00 |
Lunch break with campus "walk & talk" (food & cafés, Sophus Bugges hus (Links to an external site.), Ivar Aasens hage (Links to an external site.), Uglebo (Links to an external site.)) |
13:15 |
HowTo: Tools, services and a guide to studying |
13:45 |
Testing tools for studying (with assistance from TAs) |
14:00 |
Break |
14:15 |
Master thesis project: from A to Z. Timeline and important dates + Q&A |
Time |
Thursday: Supervision groups, topics and RQs? |
10:15 |
Topics and themes: Previous MA research in DUO |
10:45 |
Meet the supervisors: research fields and groups
11:15 |
Break |
11:30 |
Meet the supervisors: research fields and groups
12:00 |
Lunch break |
12:45 |
Group session: processing the input |
13:15 |
Meet the rest of the supervisors: research fields and groups
13:45 |
Group session: processing the input |
14:00 |
Student life and working life:
14:20 |
Break |
14:30 |
Wrap up and Q&A on term timeline and activities |
15:00 –-> |
Pizza and social gathering! |
Time |
Friday: Excursion to The National Library (NB: we start at 10 sharp, so come early) |
10:00 |
The National Library: Media research archive and research infrastructure
10:15 |
Digital collections - digitale media
12:00 |
Break / Lunch |
12:45 |
14:00 |
14:30 |
General info on the use of NB's services: NB search and access : Lars Tingelstad |