Portfolio exam - 9th of April
The deadline for submitting the portfolio exam (i.e. the group assignment) is Thursday April 9. at 14:00. Your exam and the obligatory statement concerning cheating MUST be submitted in Fronter (fronter.uio.no -> MEVIT4310 -> Portfolio exam) before 14:00
Write down your candidate number on your exam, not your name! Your find your candidate number in the student web.
When handing in exams in groups it's very important that the report is marked with all group members candidate numbers on the front page.
The file you upload into Fronter should be named your candidatenumber (xxxxxx.pdf or xxxxxx.doc). It's important that you upload the file in a recognizable format, and we recommend that you use pdf.
Here you can find information regarding exams at the Department of Media and Communication.
If you have any questions regarding the exam, please contact studiekonsulent@media.uio.no
Good Luck!