
Leseplan v?ren 2012


Hagen, Ingunn og Wold, Thomas 2009: Mediegenerasjonen. Barn og unge i det nye medielandskapet. Oslo: Det norske samlaget. 204s.

Livingstone, Sonia 2009: Children and the Internet. Cambridge: Polity Press. Utvalg. (tils.260s.)

T?nnessen, Elise Seip 2007: Mediekultur blant barn og unge. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget. 184s.


Brandtz?g, Petter B. et. al. 2004: Barn i et digitalt samfunn. En beskrivelse av norske barn fra 7 til 12 ?r og deres tilgang til og bruk av TV, PC, Internett, mobiltelefon og spillteknologier. Barn 4: 9-31. Norsk senter for barneforskning. 21s.

Brandtz?g, P.B., Heim, J. & Kaare, B. h. (in press, 2009). Bridging and bonding in social network sites - investigating family-based capital. International Journal of Web Based Communities (IJWBC). 23s.

Drotner, Kirsten 1999: Unge, medier, modernitet: en trekanthistorie. I: Unge, medier og modernitet – pejlinger i et foranderligt landskab. Valby: Borgen/Medier, Valby, s.11-31. 20s.

Hake, Karin 2006: Historien slutter – og fortsettter. I: Historien om Barne-TV. Barndomsbilder 1960-2005. Oslo: U-forlaget. s.182-211. 29s.

Johnsen, Truls Erik 2003: The Social Context of the Mobile Phone Use of Norwegian Teens. I: Katz, James E. (ed.): Machines That Become Us: The Social Context of Personal Communication Technology. NJ: New Brunswick: Transaction Publishers. s.161-169. 9 s.

Kaare, Birgit Hertzberg 2005: Mediekompetanse og fremtidsoptimisme. En studie av unge dataentusiaster. I: Markussen, I. og Telste, K. (red.): Bilder av den gode oppvekst gjennom 1900-tallet. Oslo: Novus Forlag. s .79-96. 17s.

Ling, Rich. 2006. Mobile Emancipation: Children, Youth and the Mobile Phone. I: Singer, J.L. & Singer, D.G. (red.) International Handbook of Children and the Media. London: Sage. s.1-11. 11s.

Polak, Michele 2006: It’s a gURL Thing: Community Versus Commodity in Girl-Focused Netspace. I: Buckingham, David and Willett, Rebekah (red.): Digital Generations. Children, Young People, and New Media. London: Laurence Erlbaum Ass. s.177-192. 15 s. Scheidt, Lois Ann 2006: Adolecent Diary Weblogs and the Unseen Audience. I: Buckingham, David and Willett, Rebekah (red.): Digital Generations. Children, Young People, and New Media. London: Laurence Erlbaum Ass. s.193-210. 16s.

Staksrud, Elisabeth 2009: Problematic conduct: juvenile delinquency on the internet. In: Livingstone, S. and Haddon, Leslie (eds.): Kids online. Opportunities and risks for children. Cambridge: Polity Press. s.147-157. 10s.

Lastes ned fra x-port (UiO)

Boyd, Danah m. and Ellison, Nicole B. (2007). Social Network Sites: Definition, History, and Scholarship. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication. Vol. 13(1): Art.11. 19s.

Kaare, Birgit Hertzberg, 2007: In the borderland between family orientation and peer culture: the use of communication technologies among Norwegian tweens. New Media and Society 2007; Volum 9 (4) 603-624. 21s.

Ling, Rich 2007: Children, youth, and mobile communication. In: Journal of Children and Media, 1:1, 60-67. 8 s.

Schmidt, Jan 2007: Blogging Practices: An Analytical Framework. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, 12 (4), article 13. 18s.

Lastes ned fra nett

Boyd, Danah (2007). "Why Youth (Heart) Social Network Sites: The Role of Networked Publics in Teenage Social Life." MacArthur Foundation Series on Digital Learning - Youth, Identity, and Digital Media Volume (ed. David Buckingham). Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, pp. 119-142. [pdf] 23s.

Hannemyr, Gisle 2009:Personvern i deltagerskapte, rike medier. I: R?ys, Heid Grande (red.): Delte meninger. Om nettets sosial side. 14 s.

Staksrud, Elisabeth 2009: Hva slags barn vil vi ha? I: R?ys, Heid Grande (red.): Delte meninger. Om nettets sosial side. 13 s. .

Brandtz?g, Petter Bae 2009: Privat 2.0. I: R?ys, Heid Grande (red.): Delte meninger. Om nettets sosial side. 19 s. .

T?mte, Cathrine og S?by, Morten 2009: ? vokse opp digitalt. I: R?ys, Heid Grande (red.): Delte meninger. Om nettets sosial side. 14 s. .

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Published Oct. 11, 2011 3:59 PM - Last modified Jan. 10, 2012 12:17 PM