

  • Elisabeth Staksrud's "Children in the Online Word: Risk, Regulation, Rights." (2013).
  • Livingstone, S., Haddon, L., & Gorzig, A. (2012). Children, Risk and Safety on the Internet: Research and Policy Challenges in Comparative Perspective. Cambridge: Polity.

Articles available in compendium

  • Buckingham, D. (2011). The Material Child: Growing up in Consumer Culture. Cambridge: Polity. Introduction and Chapter 1 (Exploited or Empowered?), pp. 1-25
  • James, C. (2014). Disconnected: Youth, New Media and the Ethics Gap. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. Chapter 1 (Morality, Ethics and Digital Life. pp. 1-22)
  • Livingstone, S. (2009). Children and the Internet. Cambridge: Polity. Chapter 1 (Changing Childhood, Changing Media, pp. 1-32)
  • Mihailidis, P. (2014). Media Literacy and the Emerging Citizen: Youth, Engagement and Participation in Digital Culture. New York: Peter Lang. Chapter 1 (The Emerging Civic Landscape, pp. 17-48)
  • Staksrud, S. & Kirks?ther, J. “He who buries the little girl wins! Moral Panics as Double Jeopardy! The Case of Rule of Rose.” in: C. Critcher, J. Hughes, J. Petley, & A. Rohloff (Eds.), Moral Panics in the Contemporary World (pp. 145- 160). New York: Bloomsbury.
  • Watkins, C. S. (2009). The Young and the Digital: What the Migration to Social Network Sites, Games and Anytime, Anywhere Media Means for Our Future. Boston: Beacon Press. Chapter 5 (We Play: The Allure of Social Games, Synthetic Worlds and Second Lives, pp. 103-133) and Chapter 6 (Hooked: Rethinking the Internet Addiction Debate, pp. 133-155)

Available online

  • Subrahmanyam, K., & Smahel, D. (2011). Digital Youth: The Role of Media in Development. New York: Springer. Chapter 4 (Constructing Identity Online: Identity Exploration and Self-Presentation, pp. 59-76); Chapter 5 (Intimacy and the Internet: Relationships with Friends, Romantic Partners, and Family Members, pp. 81-99). Chapter 7 (Internet Use and Well Being: Physical and Psychological Effects, pp. 123-138) and Chapter 10 (The Darker Sides of the Internet: Violence, Cyberbullying and Victimization, pp. 179-196) online
  • Ohler, J. (2011). Digital Citizenship Means Character Education for Digital Age. Kappa Delta Pi Record, 48(1), 25-27. online
  • Ito, M. (2010). Hanging out, Messing around and Geeking out: Kids Living and Learning with New Media. Cambridge, Ma: MIT Press. (Chapter 1 (Media Ecologies, pp. 29-77), and Section 3, Intimacy, pp. 117-147) 
  • Montgomery, K.C. (2015). Youth and Surveillance in the Facebook Era: Policy Interventions and Social Implications. Telecommunications Policy 
  • Lenhart, A. (2015, April 9). Teens, Social Media & Technology Overview 2015. Smartphones facilitate shifts in communication landscape for teens (pp. 1-41). Retrieved from:
  • Smahel, D. & Wright, M. (2014) The meaning of online problematic situations for children: Results of cross-cultural qualitative investigation in nine European countries. (The following sections only: Awareness of Bullying and Harassment; Sexual content and communication; Meeting strangers on and offline; Privacy and personal data misuse; Other problematic situations; Age and gender perspectives pp. 44-73 and pp. 95-122) Retrieved from:
  • Collier, A. (2014, October 20). Of Young People’s (not just digital) Citizenship. Retrieved from:
  • Sherry Turkle. (2015, September 26). Stop Googling, Let’s Talk. The New York Times. Retrieved from:
  • Livingstone, S., and Bulger, M. (2013). A Global Agenda for Children’s Rights in the Digital Age: Recommendations for Developing UNICEF's Research Strategy. Florence: UNICEF Office of Research. pp. 8-48 (they do not need to read from p.35 to p.39). Retrieved from:
  • Livingstone, S. (2015). The Parent App is Every Anxious Parent’s Dream. Retrieved from:
  • Marwick, A. E. (2008). To catch a predator? The MySpace moral panic. First Monday, 13(6). Retrieved from:
  • Chaudron S., Beutel M.E, ?ernikova M., Donoso Navarette V., Dreier M., Fletcher-Watson B., Heikkil? A-S., Kontríková V., Korkeam?ki R-L., Livingstone S., Marsh J., Mascheroni G., Micheli M., Milesi D., Müller K.W. , Myllyl?-Nyg?rd T., Niska M., Olkina O., Ottovordemgentschenfelde S., Plowman L., Ribbens W., Richardson J., Schaack C. , Shlyapnikov V., ?mahel D., Soldatova G. and W?lfling K. (2015). Young Children (0-8) and digital technology: A qualitative exploratory study across seven countries. pp. 7-30. Retrieved from:
  • Barbovschi, M., Green, L. and Vandoninck, S. (2013) Innovative approaches for investigating how young children understand risk in new media: Dealing with methodological and ethical challenges. EU Kids Online Network, London, UK. pp. 4-64. Retrieved from:
  • boyd, d., Hargittai, E., Schultz, J., & Palfrey, J. (2011). Why parents help their children lie to Facebook about age: Unintended consequences of the Online Privacy Protection Act. First Monday16 . Retrieved from:
  • EU Kids Online (2014) EU Kids Online: findings, methods, recommendations. EU Kids Online, LSE, London, UK. pp. 1-40. Retrieved from:
  • Lapenta, G. H., & J?rgensen, R. F. (2015). Youth, privacy and online media: Framing the right to privacy in public policy-making. First Monday, 20(3). Retrieved from:

Additional/optional readings

  • Vandebosch, H., & Van Cleemput, K. (2009). Cyberbullying among youngsters: profiles of bullies and victims. New Media and Society, 11(8), 1349-1371.
  • O’Neill, B., Staksrud, E., & McLaughlin, S. (2013). Towards a Better Internet for Children? Policy Pillars, Players, and Paradoxes. Goteborg: Nordicom. Introduction (pp. 11-19) and Chapter 5 by Sonia Livingstone: Knowledge Enhancement: The Risks and Opportunities of Evidence- Based Policy (pp. 93-111)
  • Ito, M. (2010). Hanging out, Messing around and Geeking out: Kids Living and Learning with New Media. Cambridge, Ma: MIT Press. (Chapter 4, Families, pp. 149-192).
  • Livingstone, S. (2009). Children and the Internet. Cambridge: Polity. (Chapter 8, Balancing Online Opportunities and Risks, pp. 208-232).
  • Montgomery, K. C. (2007). Generation Digital. Cambridge MIT Press. Chapter 4 (Web of Deception, pp. 67-107)
  • Skaar, H. (2010). “Branded Selves: How Children Relate to Marketing on a Social Network Site” in: D. Buckingham & V. Tingstad (2010). Childhood and Consumer Culture, (pp. 211-226), New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Harper, G. W., Bruce, D., Serrano, P., & Jamil, O. B. (2009). The role of the Internet in the sexual identity development of gay and bisexual male adolescents. In P. L. Hammack & B. J. Cohler (Eds.), The story of sexual identity: Narrative perspectives on the gay and lesbian life course (pp. 297-346). Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Articles online

  • Gorzig, A. (2011). Who bullies and who is bullied online? A study of 9-16 year old internet users in 25 European countries. Retrieved from:
  • The remaining chapters in: Smahel, D. & Wright, M. (2014) The meaning of online problematic situations for children: Results of cross-cultural qualitative investigation in nine European countries. Retrieved from:
  • Livingstone, S., Mascheroni, G., Dreier, M., Chaudron, S. & Lagae, K. (2015) How parents of young children manage digital devices at home: the role of income, education and parental style. London: EU Kids Online, LSE.  (pp. 7-21)
  • boyd, D. (2007). Why Youth (Heart) Social Network Sites: The Role of Networked Publics in Teenage Social Life. In D. Buckingham (Ed.), MacArthur Foundation Series on Digital Learning – Youth, Identity, and Digital Media Volume (pp. 119–142). Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press. Retrieved from
Published Dec. 9, 2016 2:13 PM