
Core reading list

Ashby, Arved (red.): The Pleasure of Modernist Music, 2004. Rochester: University of Rochester Press. Especially: Introduction (pp. 1-19); Chapter 1 (pp. 23-45); Chapter 3 (pp. 54-67).

Griffiths, Paul: Modern Music and After, 2010. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 3. utgave.

Guldbrandsen, Erling E.: ‘Modernist Composer and Mahler Conductor. Changing Conceptions of performativity in Boulez’, 2006. Studia Musicologica Norvegica No. 32. pp. 140-162.

Guldbrandsen, Erling E.: "Kunstmusikk i perioden 1945-1960" i Hovland, Erlend (ed.): Vestens musikkhistorie, 2012. Cappelen Damm Akademiske. pp. 282-296.

Guldbrandsen, Erling E. : "Kunstmusikk i perioden 1960-1975" i Hovland, Erlend (ed.): Vestens musikkhistorie, 2012. Cappelen Damm Akademiske. pp. 297-303.

Guldbrandsen, Erling E. : "Kunstmusikk i perioden 1975-1990" i Hovland, Erlend (ed.): Vestens musikkhistorie, 2012. Cappelen Damm Akademiske. pp. 304-313.

Guldbrandsen, Erling E. : "Kunstmusikk etter 1990" i Hovland, Erlend (ed.): Vestens musikkhistorie, 2012. Cappelen Damm Akademiske. pp. 314-325.

Heile, Bj?rn (red.): The Modernist Legacy, 2009. Aldershot: Ashgate. Especially: Introduction (pp. 1-10); and Chapter 2 (pp. 25-38)..

Metzer, David: Musical Modernism at the Turn of the Twenty-First Century, 2009. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Especially: Introduction (pp. 1-29).

Parsons, Ben: "Arresting Boulez: Post-War Modernism in Context" i Journal of the Royal Music Association, Vol 129, nr. 1 (2004), s. 161-176.

Further reading

Adorno, Theodor W. : "vers une musique informelle" i Quasi una fantasia, 1992. London: Verso.

Adorno, Theodor W.: "Difficulties" i Essays on Music, 2002. Berkeley: University of California Press. pp. 644-680.

Adorno, Theodor W.: "The Aging of the New Music" i Essays on Music, 2002. California: University of California Press. pp. 181-202.

Adorno, Theodor W.: Philosophy of New Music, 2006. Minneapolis: University of Minneapolis Press. translated by Robert Hullot-Kentor .

Borio, Gianmario: "Dire cela, sans savoir quoi: The Question of Meaning in Adorno and the Musical Avant-Garde" i Apparitions, ed. by Berthold Hoeckner, 2006. London: Routledge, . pp. 41-67.

Boulez, Pierre: "At the ends of fruitful land…" i Die Reihe 1 , 1958. Vienna: Universal Edition . pp. 19-29.

Boulez, Pierre: "Aléa" i Stocktakings From an Apprenticeship, 1991. Oxford: Oxford University Press. pp. 26-38.

Boulez, Pierre: "Possibly..." i Stocktakings From an Apprenticeship, 2001. Oxford, Clarendon Press. pp. 111-140.

Bürger, Peter: Theory of the Avant-Garde , 1984. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.

Cage, John: Silence. Lectures and Writings , 1961. Wesleyan.

Edwards, Peter: Tradition and the Endless Now: A Study of Gy?rgy Ligeti’s Le Grand Macabre, 2012. PhD diss., UiO.

Ligeti, Gy?rgy: "Pierre Boulez. Decision and Automatism in ‘Structure 1a.’" i die Reihe 4 , 1960. London: Universal Edition. pp. 36-62. Original German edition: Ligeti, Gy?rgy. 1958. ‘Entscheidung und Automatik in der Structure 1a’, Die Reihe 4 (Vienna: Universal Edition), pp. 38-63. .

Ligeti, Gy?rgy: "Metamorphoses of Musical Form " i die Reihe 7, 1965. London: Universal Edition. pp. 5-19. Original German edition: Ligeti, Gy?rgy. 1960. ‘Wandlungen der musikalischen Form’, die Reihe 7. Vienna: Universal Edition A.G, pp. 5-17 .

Ligeti, Gy?rgy: "Form" i Darmst?dter Beitr?ge zur Neuen Musik 10. Form in der Neuen Musik , 1966. ed. by Ernst Thomas, Mainz: Schott. English translation in: Dahlhaus, Carl and Katz, Ruth (eds.) 1992. Contemplating Music: Source Readings in the Aesthetics of Music (Stuyvesant: Pendragon Press), pp. 781-795. .

Losada, Catherine: "The Process of Modulation in Musical Collage" i Music Analysis 27, July/October 2008. pp. 295–336.

Morgan, Robert P: "On the Analysis of Recent Music" i Critical Inquiry, 1977. vol. 4, no. 1 (autumn), pp. 33-53.

Williams, Alastair: "Mixing with Mozart. Aesthetics and Tradition in Helmut Lachenmann's Accanto" i twentieth-century music, vol. 8, no. 1, March 2011, pp. 71-97.

Further material and references to texts relating to specific composers will be distributed in class

Published Apr. 3, 2012 1:43 AM - Last modified Oct. 8, 2012 1:44 PM