
Forel?pig forslag til litteraturliste:


  • Barz, Gregory F. and Timothy J. Cooley, eds. (1997). Shadows in the field : new perspectives for fieldwork in ethnomusicology. New York: Oxford University Press.

  • Berliner, Paul. (1981). The soul of Mbira. Los Angeles: University of California Press.

  • Blacking, J. (1974). How musical is Man? Seattle and London, University of Washington Press

  • Chernoff, John Miller. (1979). African rhythm and African sensibility aesthetics and social action in African musical idioms. Chicago ,: University of Chicago Press.

  • DeNora, Tia. (2000). Music in everyday life. Cambridge ; New York: Cambridge University Press.

  • Eriksen, Thomas Hylland. (1993). Ethnicity and nationalism : anthropological perspectives. Anthropology, culture, and society. London ; Boulder, Colo.: Pluto Press.

  • Fock, Eva. (2000). Mon farven har en anden lyd? : Strejftog i 90'ernes musikliv og ungdomskultur i Danmark. K?benhavn: Museum Tusculanums Forlag.

  • Keil, Charles & Steven Feld. (1993). Music Grooves. Chicago, Univ of Chicago Press.

  • Knudsen, Jan Sverre and Odd Are Berkaak. (1998). F?lg tonen verden rundt! : Prosjekt flerkulturelle musikkfors?k i Akershus : evalueringsrapport. Oslo: Akershus fylkeskommune

  • Lundberg, Dan, Krister Malm, and Owe Ronstr?m. (2000). Musik medier m?ngkultur - F?r?ndringar i svenska musiklandskap. Stockholm: Gidlunds F?rlag

  • Nettl, Bruno. (1997). Excursions in world music. Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Prentice Hall.

  • Román-Velázquez, Patria. (1999). The making of Latin London : salsa music, place, and identity. Aldershot ; Brookfield, U.S.A.: Ashgate.

  • Ruud, Even. (1997). Musikk og identitet. Oslo: Universitetsforl.

  • Shelemay, Kay Kaufman. (2001). Soundscapes : exploring music in a changing world. New York: Norton

  • Slobin, Mark. (1993) Subcultural Sounds: Micromusics of the West. Hannover N.H., Wesleyan University Press.

  • Stokes, Martin. (1994). Ethnicity, identity and music - the musical construction of place. Oxford: Berg.

Artikler (Flere av disse vil finnes i et kompendium):

  • Baumann, Max Peter (1995) "Multiculturalism and Transcultural Dialogue" i: Aspects on Music and Multiculturalism, The Royal Swedish Academy of Music, Stockholm (s. 17-25)

  • Fairley, Jan. (1989) New song: Music and politics in Latin America. In Rhythms of the world, ed. Francis Hanly and Tim May. London: British Broadcasting Corporation. (s. 88-97)

  • Fock, Eva (1997) "Music - Intercultural Communication?" i: Nordicom, August 1997, K?benhavns Universitet, K?benhavn (1-13)

  • Hammarlund, Anders (1990) "Fr?n gudstj?narnas berg til folkets hus" i: Musik och kultur (red. O. Ronstr?m), Studentlitteratur, Lund (s 89-96)

  • Kjeldstadli. (1997). "Hva er symboler?" Dugnad : tidsskrift for etnologi 23, no. 3-1997.

  • Kisliuk, Michelle. (1997). "(Un)Doing Fieldwork - Sharing Songs, Sharing Lives". In Shadows in the field : new perspectives for fieldwork in ethnomusicology, ed. Gregory F. Barz and Timothy J. Cooley:XII, 243 s. New York: Oxford University Press.

  • Klinkmann, Sven-Erik. (2001). "V?rldsmusiken som m?te med det exotiska". In Musik, m?ten, m?ngfald : rapporter fr?n ett seminarium om musik, kultur och identitet, ed. Susanne ?sterlund-P?tzsch:11-44. ?bo: Nordiskt n?tverk f?r folkloristik.

  • Knudsen, Jan Sverre. (2001). "Dancing cueca "with your coat on": the role of traditional Chilean dance in an immigrant community". British journal of ethnomusicology 10, no. ii: 61-83.

  • Netl, Bruno. (1980). "Ethnomusicology: Definitions, Directions and Problems". In Musics ofmany cultures, ed. Elisabeth May: University of California Press.

  • Rice, Timothy. (1987). "Towards the Remodeling of Ethnomusicology". Ethnomusicology 31, no. 3: 469-488.

  • Ronstr?m, Owe (red) (1990) "Introduksjon" i: Musik och kultur, Studentlitteratur, Lund (s. 5-20)

  • Skyllstad, Kjell (1997) "Klangrikt Fellesskap" i: Musikk for barn og unge i det flerkulturelle samfunn, Red. Anne Ellingsen og Kjell Skyllstad, Universitetet i Oslo (s. 60-67)

  • Turino, Thomas. (1997). "Music in Latin America". In Excursions in world music, ed. Bruno Nettl:223-250. Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Prentice Hall.

  • Van der Lee, Pedro (1994) "Musik - fr?n Wagner til Ultima Thule" i: Backstr?m, Eva and (et. al.), eds. 1994. Konsten at motverka fr?mlingsfiendtlighet och rasism. Stockholm: Statens kulturr?d, Sverige. (s. 26-32)

Publisert 6. mars 2005 16:42