

Izhaki, Roey: Mixing Audio: Concepts, Practices and Tools (2007, Focal Press)

Massey, Howard: Behind the Glass, (2000, Backbeat Books, San Fransisco)

Moylan, William: Understanding and Crafting the Mix: The Art of Recording (2006, Focal Press)


Buskin, Richard: Inside tracks (1999, Spikebooks, New York)

Eargle, John: The Microphone Book (2001, Focal Press, Woburn, MA)

Huber, David Miles & Williams, Philip: Professional Microphone Techniques (1998, Mix Books, Vallejo, CA)

Katz, Bob: Mastering Audio, the art and the science (2002, Focal Press, Burlington MA)

Owsinski, Bobby: The Mixing Engineer’s Handbook (1999, Mix Books)

Owsinski, Bobby: The Mastering Engineer’s Handbook (2000, Mix Books)

Owsinski, Bobby: The Recording Engineer's Handbook (2005, Boston, MA : Thomson Course Technology)

Runstein, Robert & David Miles Huber: Modern Recording Techniques, Focal Press 2005

Publisert 23. okt. 2008 16:53 - Sist endret 23. jan. 2009 16:59