ISSN0110 – Intensive Elementary Norwegian, Level I

Schedule, syllabus and examination date

Course content

Students work with texts and exercises relating to daily life (family, home, work, shopping, food etc). Extensive practice in communicative speech functions, such as greetings, asking for and providing information, and expressing opinions and feelings. Work with the main features of Norwegian phonetics and grammar is also central to this course.

Learning outcome

To understand clearly spoken Norwegian, to read textbooks and similar texts and to talk about subjects relating to everyday life. To pronounce Norwegian in a way that does not interfere with communication. To write about topics dealt with in the course and to express thoughts and opinions, albeit simply. To know the basic rules of Norwegian grammar.


If you would like to take this course, you must apply directly to the International Summer School

Only students admitted to the course may take part in instruction.


Formal prerequisite knowledge

No obligatory prerequisites beyond the minimum requirements for entrance to higher education in Norway. Minimum academic requirements.

No previous knowledge of Norwegian language is necessary for this beginner's course.

Overlapping courses

This course is equivalent to the courses listed above, and is also equivalent to Folkeuniversitetet's Levels 0-A2 and European levels A1-A2.

Norwegian courses up to a maximum of 40 credits can be used as part of a degree at the University of Oslo for international students.


For summer 2020 all classes will be digital. The course consists of a total of 78 classroom hours, with classes daily Monday to Friday for six weeks (week 26-31). One classroom hour lasts for 45 minutes. Classes will be held at two different times based on time zones. For students residing in Europe, Asia, Africa and Oceania: 09:00-11:15 (CEST), for students residing in the Americas: 16:00-18:15 (CEST). Digital classroom sessions include instruction and group work. Daily attendance and active participation in this course is expected of all participants. In order to take the exam, students must have completed all mandatory written exercises.

For remote learning, the University of Oslo uses secure Zoom video conferencing, and Canvas, the learning management system at UiO. Access to these platforms is provided by UiO to students when they have a UiO username and password.


Elisabeth Ellingsen & Kirsti MacDonald (2018): P? vei. Norsk og samfunnskunnskap for voksne innvandrere. Tekstbok og Arbeidsbok. Oslo: Cappelens forlag. All Norwegian Level I students will get access to the textbook and workbook digitally. If you would like a hard copy of the books, you can find them at local bookstores or buy them directly from the publishers. The publisher's online shop is only in Norwegian, however, they have created a pdf with directions for ordering books


Exams summer 2020

Due to the current situation with all University facilities closed for entry for the summer semester, there will be a change in the normal examination format and grading.

The exam will consist of a written and an oral examination. The written examination counts for 25% of the total grade and lasts for 1,5 hours. The oral examination counts for 75% of the total grade and lasts for 45 minutes. The written examination will be a take home exam i Inspera, the oral exam will be held in Zoom. 

Grades summer 2020

The exam will be graded on pass/fail scale. All parts of both the oral and the written exam must be passed to receive a passing grade.

Regular exams

The exam will consist of a written and oral examination. The written examination counts for 50% of the total grade and lasts for 3 hours. Part of the written exam includes a dictation. The oral examination counts for 50% of the total grade and lasts for 10-15 minutes.

Detailed information about the exams will be published on the ISS website in the week preceding the exams.

Previous exams are available for download as a study aid.

You can check your results and order transcripts in Studentweb three weeks after the exam.

Digital examination

The written examination is conducted in the digital examination system Inspera. You will need to familiarize yourself with the digital examination arrangements in Inspera.

Read more about written examinations using Inspera.

Examination support material

No examination support material is allowed.

Language of examination


Grading scale

Grades are awarded on a scale from A to F, where A is the best grade and F is a fail. Read more about the grading system.

Explanations and appeals

Resit an examination

Candidates may re-sit an exam free of charge if they: a) have a valid absence (doctor’s note), or b) failed the examination.

Candidates who want to re-sit the exam to improve their grades, or did not show up for the scheduled exam must pay a fee of NOK 1500 to re-sit the exam.

You can take the exam up to three times. You cannot re-sit an examination if you have used the maximum number of examination attempts. Candidates who re-sit the exam must take all parts of the exam again (both written and oral exams). 

Candidates who re-sit the exam may choose to take the exam in May, July and December when regular exams are arranged. Candidates who are re-sitting NORA exams can also re-sit the exam in the summer at the ISS exam.

To re-sit the exam, contact the ISS office by email (

Withdrawal from an examination

A student can sit for this exam up to 3 times. If a student wishes to withdraw from the exam, s/he must hand in the Course Withdraw form to the ISS Reception at least two weeks prior to the day of the exam. Failure to do so will be counted as one of the three opportunities to sit for the exam.

Special examination arrangements

Application form, deadline and requirements for special examination arrangements.


The course is subject to continuous evaluation. At regular intervals we also ask students to participate in a more comprehensive evaluation.

Facts about this course

Every summer
Every summer
Teaching language