Tuesday 26 April 2005, 10:15 …

Tuesday 26 April 2005, 10:15 -12:00, Auditorium 6 Domus Academica: Associate Professor Marius Emberland, NCHR: Protection of the private sphere when fighting terrorists: the view from the European Court of Human Rights:

Students are encouraged to read pp 184-210 in the Compendium of cases (part 1) previously distributed. However, the lecture will take form as a reading group where we read, discuss and contextualise central judgments of the European Court of Human Rights. Students are encouraged to familiarise themselves with the following cases (relevant excerpts will be distributed also in class; students are not required to read the cases on beforehand):

Klass and Others v. Germany, judgment 6 September 1978, Series A 28, in particular the judgments's paras. 48-60

Murray v. United Kingdom, judgment 28 October 1994, Series A 300-A, in particular paras. 47-95

Elci and Others v. Turkey, judgment 13 November 2003 (not yet published), paras. 687-700

United Communist Party of Turkey and Others v. Turkey, judgment 30 January 1998, Reports 1998-I, in particular paras. 21, 23 and 60."

(links to the judgements: see opposite page)

Published Apr. 25, 2005 2:00 AM - Last modified Sep. 16, 2005 3:15 PM