Semester page for HUMR4506 - Autumn 2005

Information about procedure for request for grounds and appeal of a written examination - see opposite page.

Jan. 12, 2006 10:38 AM

Course evaluation:

Please find an evaluation form for this course (opposite page - course evaluation). We appreciate if you could answer all of the questions in this survey, adding as many additional comments as you wish.

Please deliver completed forms to: Bente Kraab?l (1st floor), or the Information Centre (2nd floor), Faculty of Law, Karl Johansgt. 47, Domus Academica building. Or send it to: Bente Kraab?l, University of Oslo, Faculty of Law, P.O. Box 6706 St. Olavs plass, 0130 Oslo. Please deliver the form before January 9, 2006

The purpose of this course evaluation is to attain specific input about the quality of the course. The instructors and administration will examine your opinions to improve any future offerings of this course.

Dec. 20, 2005 3:02 PM

Exam information Please find rules regarding the exam and auxiliary material allowed during the exam (see opposite page, under the heading "exams"

Nov. 16, 2005 6:34 PM